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The Big Picture of history, and how Trump fits in
The Corporate Capture of the Republics
From the 1830’s on, the USA was groomed and financed by the British Rothschilds – leaders of the Global Mafia or Glafia - for its future role as the fourth hegemon of their world domination project.
During its now ending course as criminal and genocidal world leader, the USA betrayed its European brothers many times – and many other people too, including its own. Under Glafia’s financing and planning, US, UK and Zionist “elites”, acting as Glafia’s proxies, staged the World Wars, the Cold War, and recently, the Ukraine war, totaling hundreds of millions of victims. Their nefarious activities even included the setup of the bogeymen for these protection rackets, like Communism, Hitler and Putin. More recent examples of Glafia’s fear instilling and destructive protection rackets are CO2, HIV, nuclear war, Osama bin Laden, and Covid.
Trump’s turbulent theater marks the newest episode of this very same game. Far from being part of an anti-globalist conservative revolution as Dugin claims, his actions fit wonderfully well in Glafia’s domination plan for the 21st century. Trump is accelerating (1) the transformation of the USA from a global to a regional power, so China, assisted by Russia, can be made Glafia’s fifth global hegemon; and (2) the rollout of the many decades old Global Digital Prison plan. Thiscontrol grid, tested and approved in China, is now being installed under a shiny new brand: Stargate! It even includes an mRNA “health gift” from Trump’s billionaire team to We, The People!
About 500 years ago, a few extremely rich families in the Mediterranean started an innovative project to control the whole world. Not blunt force as used by previous empires, but covert methods were applied: mobile capital and organized deceit.
To remotely control the globe, the dynastic banking families behind this secret project cleverly bought and corrupted the “elites” in Europe’s upcoming “sovereign and democratic” nation states.
Through the fusion of Glafia’s mobile capital with the machinery of state, these fake sovereign countries then became proxies. Their first task was to explore and colonize the vast American, African and Asian territories.
To oversee the globe, Glafia made Spain (15/16th century), then Holland (17th c.) and later Britain (18/19th c.) their temporary hegemons. From the 1830’s on, the USA was groomed and financed by the British Rothschilds, for its future role as the fourth hegemon of their domination project.
After WW2, the newly “fake independent” ex-colonies also became incorporated as subservient proxies of Glafia’s new American hegemon (one reason for the rapid growth of the CIA and US army).
The final, financialization or “casino” phase of the USA empire started already in 1971, when the dollar was taken off the gold standard. At the same time, American capital and technology started to build up Communist China as a future superpower.
By now, Glafia has captured all countries, including China and Russia. “All the world’s a stage”, as Shakespeare wrote in 1623. And as Lord Curzon said long ago, “countries are just pieces on the global chessboard for the great game of world domination”.
The mainstream media and academia - all Glafia-led - take these criminal pawns at face value: please don’t fall in that trap, they’re all gangsters!
To which we can add that just one player is moving them all: Glafia, a crime syndicate of a few hundred dynastic, extremely rich (up to trillions of dollars) and tightly knit families, not bound to any country, religion or ethnicity. They are not Western, but cosmopolitan and often fake Jewish, and today they’re stronger than ever.
In 1893, just after the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the New World in 1492 (financed by Glafia’s Genoese bankers, C. Roth), the gigantic World's Columbian Exposition opened, also known as the Chicago World's Fair.
About 27 million people from all over the world visited this symbol of emerging American exceptionalism. Russia and China also had a (minor) presence at this impressive fair, and many people in these and other countries began imagining a future of modernizaton and industrialization.
At the start of the 20th century, the outlook for a peaceful and wealthy century seemed brighter than ever. Futurists imagined that the new century would lead to a leisure economy where machines would do most of the work.
Count Sergei Witte (in Russia) and Sun Yat-sen (in China) would soon be leading efforts to catch up with the rapidly industrializing Western world.
But suddenly, international peace and progress came to a screeching halt: in 1914, the First World War (WW1) “broke out”, followed three years later by the Communist Revolution in Russia.
Were these events the result of democratic decision making, or “grassroots” movements?
Of course not, all common people want to live in peace. These problems arose because each “democratic” Western country involved was a Glafia-led olichargy, while Tsarist Russia suffered a Glafia-led infiltration (A. Solzhenitsyn in Two Hundred Years Together, Russo-Jewish History).
Yet most historians still explain WW1 as a kind of natural disaster wherein the participating countries stumbled like “sleepwalkers”.
We now know (see the book The Predators versus The People) that these events were part of a very large project, since long prepared by Glafia, to take control of Eurasia’s 13 empires by force: through world wars, financial crises and communist revolutions.
That’s on top of their covert cultural, educational, scientific, financial, biological, chemical and spiritual wars against all of humanity!
America’s first betrayal of Europe: Hitler
Over 200 million people were killed and many more maimed and traumatized in what I call The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia.
Glafia’s main proxies in this gigantic operation were British, American and Zionist “elites”, although “gangsters” is a better word: they set up all bogeymen, Hitler included.
Evidence that WW1 was staged by the US and the UK (in collaboration with France and Russia) can be found here (Hidden History, Docherty and MacGregor) and here (Prolonging the Agony, same authors).
Over 20.000 Americans became millionaires through this war, and they couldn’t wait to repeat it. Definitive proof of the crucial American and British role in setting up Hitler and Nazism as their bogeyman in WW2 can be found here (Conjuring Hitler, G. Preparata) and here (Two World Wars and Hitler, MacGregor and O’Dowd, upcoming).
Yet the USA and Britain managed to come out of this terrible carnage – which their Glafia-steered “elites” had staged and prepared - as the greatest heroes of liberty and democracy ever, serenaded every year since!
In May 2025, 80 years after the WW2 “peace”, these fake ceremonies will again be repeated!
That’s thanks to the manufactured ignorance of the common people, due to Glafia’s organized deceit via the corrupt media, academia and education system (also called Plato’s cave, social engineering, mind control or menticide).
Note that I am of course not against remembering and honoring all the millions of brave soldiers and innocent civilians who unwittingly became victims in these wars and revolutions.
In Richard Moore’s words, the consequences of WW1 for the West were:
We could say that America won WWI, and all of Europe lost — and lost big. The Europeans were bound to pay America huge sums for the privilege of having devastated one another… Britain had won the battle for Europe, for a while; America had won the battle for strongest nation, for a longer while — but it was the banking elite who won the war — for discretionary power over the future course of world affairs”.
He describes the situation after the Second World War as:
While having fought only marginally and suffered negligible casualties - in comparison with the other major combatants - the US emerged with an intact infrastructure, 40% of the world's wealth and industrial capacity, control of the seven seas, a monopoly on atomic weapons, strategic footholds in the Middle East oil sheikdoms, and general popular acclaim as the heroic champion of democracy.
Quite naturally, the world's eyes turned to Washington for leadership in shaping the postwar world ... America was now secured as a hegemonic base of operations, more viable for that role than Britain had been, and it was time to move forward with the next phase [or hegemonic cycle] of the new-world-order project.
Thus were launched, promptly after the war ended, the Bretton Woods globalist institutions - the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and World Bank - the early foundation stones for an eventual one-world government.”
Cunningly, Glafia’s Eurasia project eliminated the US’ largest upcoming competitors, Russia and China, by betraying them into the “communist fridge” for most of the 20th century (see below).
It also left Europe in ruins and set back America’s European “friends”. Germany suffered an unbelievable genocide: Peter Haisenko sums up the German death count after the war to 14 million, of which 6 M in Germany under Allied occupation (many in Eisenhower’s death camps), 6 M refugees from the eastern lands, and 2 M prisoners of war.
During the war, an estimated 3 M German soldiers and probably 3 M civilians died.
This totals 20 million German deaths. At the start of the war, the German population in Europe was about 88 million.
So much for the American rhetoric of “freedom, democracy and free trade”, the false liberal explanation for the meteoric career of the USA in becoming the world’s champion of capitalism and liberalism: they just killed, maimed and ruined all their potential Eurasian competitors!
America’s second betrayal of Europe: Communism
The biggest event in Russian history was the Communist or Bolshevist Revolution, "one of the boldest and bloodiest politico-economic experiments in human history” (T. Boardman).
We all know the official narrative: a grassroots movement of discontent Russian citizens directed by idealistic leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky removed an obsolete, suppressive, and backward regime. Repetitions of this Red Terror (although on a smaller scale) occurred in Germany, Hungary and Spain.
However, for at least 50 years there has been convincing evidence that Glafia's globalist and capitalist bankers were the main organizers and financiers of this devastating, “anti-capitalist” episode.
And that “revolutionary leaders" Lenin and Trotsky, behind their idealistic veil, were lavishly financed mercenaries of these bankers, who after their great victory amassed millions of dollars in foreign bank accounts.
The extremely well documented researcher Antony C. Sutton followed the money and business trails to Bolshevism in his book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (1974).
Docherty and MacGregor further documented how the bankers staged this “Revolution” (see The Rape of Russia). It's only due to the “neglect by the official historians” and the consequent and systematic suppression by the mainstream media that this knowledge never became public.
Sutton saw Communism as the greatest hoax of the 20th century, a fabrication by the bankers: he proved the existence of a long-term partnership between Glafia's (mainly American) international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism. He also revealed how from early on, the USA had supported the build-up of the Soviet Union (SU): the productive and military basis of the Soviets was largely built by American technology. Major American corporations invested in the creation of this new totalitarian state with its enormous resources, to bring about a large captive economy which could be exploited without competition - a wet dream for "free trade capitalists".
The American support to the SU even included the air shipping of atomic secrets and construction materials for atomic installations during WW2 (From Russia with Thanks, by Major Jordan): because without the atomic bomb, the Soviets wouldn’t be a worthy enemy, or bogeyman, in the coming Cold War!
Already in 1935, General Smedley Butler called America’s wars “rackets“. That’s an old Mafia trick to set up a bogeyman (a strategy of fear) and then charge the victims a fee or sacrifice for protection. Glafia’s wars are always protection rackets, and more recent examples include CO2, HIV, nuclear war, Osama bin Laden, and Covid.
Specific reasons for the creation of the Soviet bogeyman included:
With the Soviet Union, the bankers created an important power to assist in the planned destruction of Germany, during the Second World War. In fact, they tried to kill these two birds with one stone. In a 2015 surprise, STRATFOR's George Friedman revealed what motive had driven the US (based on MacKinder’s 1904 heartland theory):
“The primordial interest of the United States over which we have fought wars, the First, Second and Cold Wars [and now the Ukrain war] has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united they are the only force that could threaten us, and to make sure that that does not happen.”
So much for the official slogan of Freedom and Democracy! And only partly true, because as mentioned above, most Soviet civil and military technology came from the US.
Glafia also used Soviet Communism as a large-scale social experiment for a 1984 or Brave New World style totalitarian regime: the Covid years gave us an idea of what is to come if we don’t resist.
The SU was also employed as a subversive force to undermine the West (see Y. Bezmenov). It also became a precursor, with many lessons learned, for the later communist experiment under Mao in China, the basis for the present Communist Chinese state, and an important reason for its new status as fifth hegemon.
That’s why Chinese communism was left untouched. From the 70’s, China would also be built up secretly with American civil and military technology, with a peak under Bill Clinton, US president from 1993 to 2001 (Monica’s major role was not to smoke cigars with Bill, but to distract us from his real scandal, China-gate).
To further the Glafia-staged de-colonization of the European colonies in Africa and Asia, under the beautiful flag of self-determination - which were immediately neo-colonized by the US.
The same goes for the European Union, which was to be part of Glafia’s future multipolar project, for which Henry Kissinger, on behalf of the Rockefellers, prepared the blueprint, Prospect for America, already in 1961.
It speaks of regionalized blocks of nations (like EU, NAFTA) under a world government based on the (Rockefeller/Glafia steered) United Nations. According to SU dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, the heritage of the Soviet experiment can be found everywhere in the organization and structure of the European Union (2006):
“It is really puzzling to me, that having just buried one monster, the Soviet Union, another, remarkably similar one, the European Union, is being built.”
Just after WW2, Western military plans were made to wipe out the Soviet Union with nuclear bombs. But these planners had obviously no notion of Glafia's shrewd strategy: the idea was not to destroy the enemy and then go ahead with normal life and peace.
It was to prolong the conflict as long as possible, for prolonged profits on the one side, and prolonged fear on the other. Indeed, the Cold War, which was started in 1947, would be protracted to 1991.
America’s third betrayal of Europe: Putin’s Russia
With the birth of the Global Digital Prison plan (announced in Brzezinski's 1970 book Between Two Ages), and Glafia's decision to end American hegemony and “to go East” for the first time in history, the Soviet experiment became obsolete, and Glafia pawn Gorbatsjov finished it off in 1991.
Soon thereafter, Fidel Castro, Glafia's CIA top agent in Cuba, said: “The next war in Europe will be between Russia and Fascism, except that Fascism will be called Democracy.”
No prophesy, just insider information, on the most recent Glafia-staged war, in the Ukraine.
In the early 90’s, Russia was first opened to capitalism via shock therapy (by "Team Harvard" as destroyer, starring leftist Jeffrey Sachs, who is now trying to recover his blemished reputation), ending in planned disaster and looting, from which it was then "saved" by Putin, the frontman of Russia’s new "Glafia-subordinate elite”, which robbed the country from its riches on behalf of Glafia’s bankers.
That and the flat bombings made gangster Putin very popular (see Putin's False Flag, by Iain Davis).
By the way, Putin was already selected in the early 1990s (when he still worked temporarily as a taxi driver in Moscow), by none other than Henry Kissinger, since the 1970’s also the mentor of Klaus Schwab!
I suppose that mentor Kissinger told Putin long ago that a strong Russia was needed for Glafia’s West-East shift, and that the war predicted by Castro would be the price for his and Russia's meteoric career (just as in the 19th century, when mentor Bleichröder told Glafia pawn Bismarck that war would be the price Germany had to pay for its meteoric rise). MH17, Skripal, Russia’s role in Syria, NATO’s deliberate expansion to the Easty, it all fits this script.
Klaus Schwab admitted several times that Putin was trained at the WEF as one of his many Global Young Leaders.
An important goal was to make Russia a worthy partner – in fact a vassal - for China, Glafia's designated hegemon for Glafia’s multipolar world order plan, also prepared by the lovely Henry as shown above. The role of the Orthodox Church as a purveyor of traditional Russian values is just another official narrative, for public consumption only. If that sounds unlikely, consider that Putin’s Russia fails the litmus tests for Covid, CBDC, Agenda 2030, its BIS controlled Central Bank, etc.
As Iurie Rosca states: “Despite major conflicts between various countries, they are all submissively following the same globalist agenda”. He adds:
The false pandemic launched in 2020 has confirmed beyond any doubt that Russia, like China and the other BRICS countries, are subject to a single command center, [which is not America, but the Global Mafia].
Like all Glafia wars, the war in Ukraine is as fake as an “American wrestling” game, and Russia wittingly joined it!
Unfortunately, the numerous victims are real, as are the millions of Ukrainians who had to flee their country. Naturally, the only logical solution would have been a NEUTRAL Ukraine. But the criminal Glafia/NATO kept pushing East, because this is the war they wanted, fully in the know that first the Ukraine, and then Europe would be its victims. Their relentless pushing gave Russia a reasonable justification to draw a line in the sand, and start the ”Special Military Operation”.
The demented Biden kept repeating the mantra that “autocratic” Russia should be defeated. Yet all Western “elites” knew since long that the East will irrevocably take the baton over (see Macron’s 2019 words to his ambassadors, on the end of Western hegemony).
But before that, both parties (both Glafia proxies!) agreed on a bloody theater war to dump their old hardware, test their new weapons, train their armies and fill their pockets and vaults to the brim.
The Russians stood the military test, although many great errors were made: Glafia – and China - would not have allowed any other outcome.
As I wrote three years ago, the Western sanctions drove Russia, China and “the South” and BRICS+ closer, to create a parallel, multipolar global order, just as Glafia desires.
The sanctions on Russia – and the sabotage of Nordstream by the US, see Seymore Hersh - backfired hard on Europe, and fitted the USA very well.
Consequently, the already high prices of energy, food and industrial inputs rose more, scarcity and rationing will occur, European industries are collapsing or moving, and freedom is further restrained, just as Glafia desires.
January 2025: The Donald enters the stage
In just one month of his presidency, Rothschild pawn Trump has radically reshuffled the cards.
If you believe globalist pawn Alexander Dugin, Trump’s victory is pushing an anti-globalist conservative revolution. Iurie Rosca explains here why he is a liar.
Trump’s turbulent theater marks the newest episode planned by the very same criminal globalists.
Far from leading a revolution as Dugin claims, Trump’s actions fit wonderfully well in Glafia’s domination plan for the 21st century.
Trump understands well that a new multipolar wind is blowing – as Marco Rubio openly admitted - and is accelerating Glafia’s two main projects under this new paradigm:
1. The transformation of the USA from a global to a regional power, so China, assisted by Russia, can be made Glafia’s fifth global hegemon.
The USA will be retracting to “fortress America”, one of the world’s “poles”, which explains Trump’s blunt bluff to annex Greenland, Canada and Panama. This “end to MacKinder’s theory” could have very positive consequences for Europe - once its leadership is changed and starts again to cooperate and trade with Russia, its natural business partner.
It may even mean a better future for the Palestinians. The crazy and inhuman Trump-A-Lago proposal could be a wake-up call for Israel: make peace, otherwise America will stop to fill your bottomless pit: we just want to do business!
Of course, China, one step away from world leadership, has no interest at all in the continuation of this senseless conflict.
2. The rollout of the many decades old Global Digital Prison plan, to control and coerce all humans individually. This DigiGulag, an energy-guzzling hi-tech control grid tested and approved in China, is now installed under a shiny new brand: Stargate!
It even includes a personalized mRNA “health gift” from Trump and Elon’s billionaire team to We, The People!
I highly recommend you to read this article on the triumph of technocracy by Eric Wikström.
However, Trump’s promise of the Golden Age of America will prove to be utterly false: the previous post-WW2 golden era was only possible because the USA had just killed, maimed and ruined its potential Eurasian competitors, as explained above.
Presently, Russia and China are stronger than ever, and united. Today, the USA is dangerously de-industrialized, and Trump’s tariffs aren’t going to change that, but will backfire.
And the US dollar represents now less than 60% of the world reserve currencies, from almost 100% after WW2.
Moreover, Trump is not cleaning up the real “deep state“ (Glafia’s financial and corporate tentacles), but just the excesses of corrupt left-wing politics.
After WW2, Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), a German philosopher, wrote:
It is not Russianism that will bring about the destruction of the earth but Americanism, not just the English but all of Europe has fallen prey to it as it represents modernity in its monstrosity.
He was right – but only on first sight. Americanism represented just one hegemonic cycle in the globalist project, and the recent “revolutionary changes” are no more than cosmetic operations which shield the continuation of Glafia’s same old agenda, soon to be overseen by with its new, this time Asian hegemon, Communist China.
Thank you : Timbertraveler speaking for We The People - Constitutional Conference
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