INSIDE JOB - How the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) Came About, and Happened. Watch & understand, and then SEE that everything is being replayed, now again, leading to the MOTHER of ALL COLLAPSES

1 year ago

In this video, we're watching the "Inside Job" docu-movie, that tells the story of how the Khazarian mafia globalist crime syndicate (that, STILL TODAY, virtually NO ONE knows or understands anything about, but that owns and runs all central banks around the world, and thus also the Wall Street banksters), orchestrated the largest financial fraud and WEALTH TRANSFER CRIME - FROM THE PEOPLE INTO THEIR POCKETS - in history.
NB. Please find the links hereunder, in the guiding text, to a series of documents, where you can read all about the Khazarian Mafia (KM) that control and rule the world of today, through the counterfeit debts based and debts creating "money" system, and through having usurped ALL governments around the world, through this debts fraud.
And understand, that the 2008 financial crisis was never resolved, and never went away. It was only covered up and papered over with MORE & UNLIMITED QE (Quantitative Easing) counterfeit fiat currency debts creation, making the problem INFINITELY BIGGER & WORSE. That this will lead to the GLOBAL COLLAPSE of the ENTIRE "monetary" system, as this world thinks to know it, is without question. The globalist crime syndicate deliberately steers their old COUNTERFEIT debts based, and debts creating, system of fraud over the edge, so plunging the global masses into poverty and despair, so that the global masses will then be primed to ask no questions, but be eager, to accept the globalist solution. The digital concentration camp of Digital IDs, QR codes, the CDBC (Central Bank Digital Currency) financial transactions control grid.
Inside Job is a 2010 American documentary film, directed by Charles Ferguson, about the 2008 financial crisis. The film is narrated by Matt Damon.
The global financial meltdown that took place in the Fall of 2008 caused millions of job losses and home losses, and plunged the United States into a deep economic recession.
This documentary provides an examination of the elements that led to the collapse and identifies publicly known key financial and political players.
OBVIOUSLY it does NOT (NEVER) identify the REAL OWNERS & MASTERS of the Khazarian mafia globalist crime syndicate, that control the publicly known "key players".
Director Charles Ferguson conducts a wide range of interviews and traces the story from the United States to China to Iceland to several other global financial hot spots.
Ferguson, who began researching in 2008, says the film is about "the systemic corruption of the United States (and the entire world at large) by the financial "services" industry, and the consequences of that systemic corruption".
In five parts, the film explores how changes in the policy, environment and banking practices helped create the financial crisis.
If you're interested in learning more about the stock "market" or inflation, then this is the movie for you. This documentary provides a look at the events that led to the 2008 financial crisis, and how the Wall Street bankers are still milking the system.
0:00 - Deregulation in Iceland and privatization of banks (Pre Intro)
06:05 - Introduction
12:05 - Part I - How We Got Here
31:02 - Part II - The Bubble (2001-2007)
57:04 - Part III - The Crisis
1:17:23 - Part IV - Accountability
1:33:33 - Part V - Where Are We Now
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) are also the ones behind the war in Ukraine of today, for they have, long ago, already planned their return to Khazaria, which is the Ukraine. Lift the veils and see!
Here are some articles where you can read about the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine
The Ukraine Solution: Two Jewish Homelands
Israel’s Secret Plan for a "Second Israel" in Ukraine
Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda
The Serpent People return to Ukraine
There’s a secret plan for the reverse migration of the Jews back to their Khazarian homeland.
Leaked: Israel Admits Jews in fact Khazars; Secret Ukraine Migration Plan
Jews are NOT Descendants of Abraham
Kazaria 2 In The Making?
Uncensored History: Who Were the Khazars?
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