2 years agosamenvatting 'klimaatzaak van de eeuw' - Clintel, Shell, Milieudefensie, Milieu & Mens, Hof Den HaagPotkaars Podcasts - Nederlands gesproken
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2 years agointegrale opname 'klimaatzaak van de eeuw' - Clintel, Shell, Milieudefensie, Milieu & Mens, Den HaagPotkaars Podcasts - Nederlands gesproken
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2 years agoInflation Reduction Act of 2022. Bait to Trick Acceptance of Climate Change LiesTheWarAgainstYou
2 years agoCanada electric ultra-fast hyperloop train.Faster than plane, save 636,000 tonnes CO2 emissions yearFuture innovations
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1 year agoA Princeton University professor claims there is a dramatic reduction in carbon dioxideAERomm