in the kitchen! when "water, H2O, win the Battle,in " against CO2( 0,04 %atmosphere components)

4 months ago

In the kitchen: Physics-obsessed housewife versus IPCC In Section 3.3.5 it was indicated how simple it is to falsify the atmospheric greenhouse hy[1]potheses, namely by observing a water pot on the stove: Without water filled in, the bottom of the pot will soon become glowing red. However, with water filled in, the bottom of the pot will be substantially colder. In particular, such an experiment can be performed on a glass-ceramic stove. The role of the Sun is played by the electrical heating coils or by infrared halogen lamps that are used as heating elements. Glas-ceramic has a very low heat conduction coefficient, but lets infrared radiation pass very well. The dihydrogen monoxide in the pot, which not only plays the role of the “greenhouse gas” but also realizes a very dense phase of such a magic substance, absorbs the infrared extremely well. Nevertheless, there is no additional “backwarming” effect of the bottom of the pot. In the opposite, the ground becomes colder. There are countless similar experiments that immediately show that the atmospheric greenhouse picture is absolutely ridiculous from an educated physicist’s point of view or Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects . . . 75 from the perspective of a well-trained salesman offering high performance tinted glass that reduces solar heat gain mainly in the infrared [100]: “Daylight and view are two of the fundamental attributes of a window. Unfortu[1]nately, windows are also the source of significant solar heat gain during times when it is unwanted. Traditional solutions to reducing solar heat gain such as tinted glazing or shades mean that the amount of light is reduced as well. New glazings with low-solar-gain Low-E (spectrally selective) coatings can provide better solar heat gain reduction than tinted glass, with a minimal loss of visible light. This also means that views can be clearer and unobstructed.” Ironically, this works already in the case of dihydrogen monoxide. Such experiments can be performed easily on every overhead projector, showing that the absorption of the infrared portion of the incoming radiation by water is a non-neglible and leads to a drop of the temperature of the illuminated surface dressed by an infrared absorbing layer that is transparent to visible light.

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