1. Do you agree that teachers need to tell the parents what their child says in school?

    Do you agree that teachers need to tell the parents what their child says in school?

  2. Aug 2021. Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Part 2

    Aug 2021. Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Part 2

  3. Watch out for nasty authoritarians attacking your social media channel

    Watch out for nasty authoritarians attacking your social media channel

  4. COULD SUMMER BE SAFE? Theory Based on Witness Testimony and Facts

    COULD SUMMER BE SAFE? Theory Based on Witness Testimony and Facts

  5. Bolton’s Bombshell Fizzles

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  6. County prosecutor disagrees with new trial in 1994 murder

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  7. 【48】「新型コロナは無症状の人も感染源になる」を再度検証する - 大橋眞

    【48】「新型コロナは無症状の人も感染源になる」を再度検証する - 大橋眞

  8. Was the Manner of Jesus’ Death Significant?

    Was the Manner of Jesus’ Death Significant?

  9. 2022 Senatorial Election Predictions (9/6/21)

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