Bolton’s Bombshell Fizzles

5 years ago

The fake news media is at it again. The New York Times released another of its “timed release” of a “leak” from White House staff reviewing Ambassador John Bolton’s, former Trump National Security Advisor, book manuscript. The leak exposes, once again, weak attempts of the Washington Swamp government insiders to undermine the current President and this time on his impeachment defense. My prediction: just like Adam Schiff’s “more than circumstantial evidence” of the Trump Campaign’s fake collusion with Russia, the Mueller Report’s conclusion that Schiff was wrong, and the latest, that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court declaring intelligence agency warrants approved to spy on the Trump campaign were presented in bad faith and unwarranted, this bombshell is just another misfire by the elitist propaganda machine. When will we end this farce? Our country is being gravely damaged by hyper-partisanship supported by insider elites and career government employees who disagree with the current administration on policy.

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