2 years agoWhy Don't Remote Viewers Always Win the Lottery? (with Daz Smith) (Episode 117)Through A Glass Darkly
1 year agoThe Lady and the Dawning of a New Age with Chris Bledsoe (Episode 168)Through A Glass Darkly
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1 year agoWhy this US Intelligence Community Cell Believes UFOs Are a Demonic Phenomenon (Episode 208)Through A Glass Darkly
2 years agoRemote Viewing TWA Flight 800 & Other Targets with Dr. David Morehouse (Episode 101)Through A Glass Darkly
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2 years agoRemote Viewing the Sun, Moon, and Ancient Artifacts with Dr. David Morehouse (Episode 99)Through A Glass Darkly
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1 year agoEvidence of an Ancient Martian Civilization with Dr. John Brandenburg (Episode 191)Through A Glass Darkly
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