Soap (Vol. 2) [1977-81 Sitcom] | Katherine Helmond, Cathryn Damon, Richard Mulligan, Billy Crystal, Robert Mandan, Ted Wass, Jimmy Baio, Robert Guillaume.
Return to Oz (1985 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Dark Adventure/Light Horror [Actually TRUER to Creator L. Frank Baum's Oz Novels Than the Beloved Musical Movie of 1939] | Fairuza Balk, Piper Laurie, Jean Marsh, Thomas Nicol Williamson.
Return to Oz (1985 Full Movie) | Fantasy/Adventure [Darker Than May Be Expected as the Film is Truer to L. Frank Baum's Original Oz Novels] | Fairuza Balk, Piper Laurie, Jean Marsh, Thomas Nicol Williamson.