Prime Insurance Corporation EXPOSED!!!

3 years ago

The corruption that runs through this company is SHOCKING!!! The 1st picture is Prime Insurance Owner Rick Lindsey, it's his "Mug Shot" from when he was arrested, Allegedly he was drunk, and he had a pipe on him used for drugs as there was illegal substance residue on the pipe.

This information is from experience in dealing with this company. What I have done is create a list of what I believe to be Prime Insurance's employee protocol, and it's "FILTHY DIRTY WITH ALL KINDS OF NASTY TRICKS!

Here's my story.

I was in an accident, it was caught on video, I went and got an estimate which was roughly a few thousand dollars.

When dealing with this company, expect a fight! This company is going to make you fight them, for them to do the right thing! And then they are still not willing to pay you what your claim is worth!

Okay, so I have a claim, and I am now entitled to get my vehicle fixed.

I honestly believe, too, that every employee of Prime Insurance is under a Non-Disclosure Agreement, where they are NOT Allowed to discuss any of the company's secrets, dirty dealings, lying, cheating, scamming to steal from their customers and claimants.

So the first thing on the list of Prime Insurance's Employee Protocol list is

1 "Make the claimant fight for every penny they are entitled to!" Oh, these people are going to throw so much BS at you, it will leave you scratching your head, thinking how do they get away with doing this stuff? You have NO CLUE as to what awaits you as you are thrown into the PIT OF DEMONS!!! I wish I were lying!!!!

2 Stall, delay, and waste as much time as possible when it comes to everything about the claim.
This is to wear out the person who has the claim. More than likely, Prime Insurance is hoping you'll just get exhausted and walk way with what little sanity you'll have left after they do their absolute best to drive you insane to make sure you receive little, next to nothing.

3 Make it seem like a claim is NOT important at all, and tell the claimant "THEY MAY NOT HAVE A CLAIM AT ALL!!! Yes, this is exactly what I was told!

4 Intimidate the claimant by bringing their "Ghost Lawyer" into the equation by merely mentioning the company's "Lawyer." As I was told, “ We’re waiting to see if you even have a claim or not, we’re waiting to hear from our lawyer on this one.” Yep, that’s what they said.

5 The agent then “PRETENDS” to not know if the insurance policy was active or not during the time of the accident! Again I was told, “We’ll have to hear from our lawyer on this one.”

In the meantime, you never hear from their lawyer as days turn into weeks that turn into months as you wait and wait and wait!


7 When asked tough questions, simply ignore the claimant. Which is what they will do, and did, do constantly.

Please keep in mind the accident which was caused by someone that Prime Insurance insured as the accident was caught on video and the policy was also active as they were still playing their sick games “Pretending” if I had a claim or not and if the policy was active or not.

8 Only offer half of what a claim is worth, if anything at all.

9 Offers them less than what you previously offered and tell them you’re going to write off their vehicle as a “Total Loss.” And that will be just because the claimant pissed the Corporate Attorney off.

10 LIE, LIE, LIE!!!! Lie your ass off!!!!

11 Under NO Circumstances Is An Agent Allowed To Investigate A Claimant's Proof or Facts! Regardless if it's all TRUE!

12 Play Dumb! When A Claimant Presents "Proof" Even If The Proof Is Absolutely Devastating Backed Up By "TRUTH AND FACTS" PLAY DUMB!!! Simply State Their "Absolute Devastating Proof That's Backed Up By TRUTH And FACTS Is IRRELEVANT!!!! ( Irrelevant Layman's terms, not associated to ). When I Presented "PROOF" They Simply Ignored It And Would Not Investigate That PROOF!

When it comes to lawyers, everyone, please remember this sentence because it is so TRUE! Lawyers and Lying go hand in Hand Like "Stink On Sh!t!!! There's a lawyer who has made a video admitting that lawyers are TRAINED TO LIE! Now, do all lawyers lie? More than likely so. However, I am not looking to piss off every lawyer out there, only those who are seriously corrupt, so for the sake of argument I'm going to make this statement Not All Lawyers Lie. However, The Two Lawyers Of Prime Insurance that I Have Had To deal With, It Seems They Do Nothing But LIE!!! Especially David E. Brown and Attorney David McBride of Prime Insurance. So why do they lie? Well, Lying Protects Them, Their Company And "LYING" Makes Prime Insurance TONS OF MONEY!

13 Intentionally Piss Off A Claimant To The Point Where They Become Vulgar!!! This way you can Turn Around And Accuse The Claimant Of Acting Inappropriate And Claim They Are Full Of Insults, While It's The Owner, Lawyer's And Agents Of Prime Insurance All Along Causing Strife And Hardships.

14 When One Lawyer Gets Exhausted From Dealing With A Claimant, Send In A Second Lawyer To Try And Wear Down The Claimant! Yeah, That Happened Too! Prime Insurance's Lawyer David McBride Then Enters The Picture. This Other Attorney From Prime Insurance Then Starts using The Same Techniques As The First Attorney! I Pretty Much Shut Him Down Immediately! I Told Him To Stop Emailing Me!

15 The Great "HITLER Technique!!!" Yes! Prime Insurance Uses A Technique That HITLER Created! And that technique is this- "Tell A LIE Often Enoungh And People Will Believe That LIE To Be TRUE!" PRIME INSURACE LOVES USING THIS TECHNIQUE!!!!

Before Shutting Down Attorney David McBride, He Had Stated That I Am Harassing The Owner Of Prime Insurance. THIS IS A LIE!!!!

Here's What Happened. Prime Insurance Owner Rick Lindsey Tried To Intimidate Me! Here's Mr. Lindsey's EXACT Words. ( The typos involved are his not mine )
I have invited you to call me many time you prefer to send long emails!

I will be happy to take you call anytime! Or I would be willing to come meet you face to face!

This is my last response via email, my crew will continue to handle your claim. Call me or tell me where and when I can come see you face to face !
My EXACT Response Was

Hello Sir,

How about just answering the all questions from previous emails for
now, as I will set up times and places to meet.

I have to arrange things with certain people first. Please be aware
that when we meet, there will be cameras rolling and recording at all
times. I ALWAYS have cameras recording around me at all times.

So you get busy with things at your end ( responding to the emails )
and I will arrange things here at my end and perhaps say next Saturday
( if everything goes according to plan ) we can meet?

How about that?
Owner Of Prime Insurance, Mr. Lindsey Then Responds, "No Problem!"
However, What Mr. Lindsey Did Was Send In His Corporate Attorney, David McBride.

You See The Owner Of Prime Insurance Rick Lindsey Is Who Is 6 Feet 5 Inches Tall Is Considerably Bigger than I Am! He More Than Likely Wanted To Meet Me Alone To Intimidate, Harass, And Coerce Me Into Walking Away From My Claim. However, When I Proceeded To Tell Mr. Lindsey That Cameras Will Be Constantly Rolling And Recording EVERYTHING When We Meet, He talked Big At First And Then Tucked Tail And Perhaps Went To Change His Diaper While Running Crying To His Corporate Attorney David McBride To Jump In There!
When I Asked Prime Insurance Owner Rick Lindsey, Simple Questions Like Why Didn't Prime Insurance Investigate The Proof And Facts That I Have Sent Him? He Simply Refused To Respond!!!

Meanwhile, These Lowlife SCUMBAGS Know Damn Well My Vehicle Is In Bad Shape Due To The Accident, As They Refuse To Honor A Legitimate Estimate By A Legitimate Collision Shop! As I Have been Waiting Approximately 110 DAYS For Them To Do The Right Thing And Be Honorable!

This Company Should Be Called "Prime Crime Insurance!"

3rd picture is Prime Insurance's Corporate Attorney, Dave E. Brown. I really don't believe he's capable of telling the TRUTH! AS I have caught him in so many lies!

One Of The greatest Lies Told By Prime Insurance's Attorney Dave E. Brown Was That He Stated My Vehicle Was Only Worth So Much As He Forwarded A Figure. I Then Went To Kelly Blue Book And Took Screen Shots And Proved To Him My Vehicle Is Worth Twice As Much Than What He Had Stated! That Shut Him Up! He Never Tried That LIE Again!

I have brought this to the attention of Prime Insurance's owner Mr. Rick Lindsey, who states he stands behind his company, his employees, and how they have been in business 40 years.

Question is, have they been lying, cheating, scamming to stealing from their clients and claimants for four decades?

This is an extremely deceitful company!

The 3rd picture is Prime Insurance's David E. Brown, Senior Vice President and Corporate Counsel

Part 2 coming soon!

All info is based on an "alleged" basis.

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