Ray Bradbury Short Stories Audiobook: The Creatures That Time Forgot - The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast

1 year ago

https://lostscifi.com - Science Fiction Grand Masters a 17 hour audiobook from the greatest vintage sci-fi writers for only $7.97. Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Clifford D. Simak, Fritz Leiber, Lester Del Rey, Frederik Pohl, Harlan Ellison, Harry Harrison, Damon Knight, Jack Vance, Poul Anderson and Robert Silverberg.

Mad, impossible world! Sun-blasted by day, cold-wracked by night—and life condensed by radiation into eight days! Sim eyed the Ship—if he only dared reach it and escape! ... but it was more than half an hour distant—the limit of life itself! The Creatures That Time Forgot by Ray Bradbury, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, with at least one lost vintage sci-fi short story in every episode.

The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast is now the #1 Science Fiction Podcast in the Cayman Islands and Costa Rica, #3 in Belarus, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Poland and India. You continue to share and recommend us and you are growing this podcast and we thank you.

So many of you have asked how you can help support The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast financially, so we’ve come up with a solution. Instead of just taking your donations we want to give you something. Go to LostSciFi.com and you will find a 17-hour audiobook, Science Fiction Grand Masters for a special low price of only $2.97 when you use the coupon code podcast, lowercase letters only. You can keep it for yourself or gift this audiobook to anyone you choose by using their email address and creating a password, then sharing that password with them so they can access all 17 hours for only $2.97 when you use the coupon code podcast, lowercase letters only. We’ll have a new audiobook at a special price in a few weeks.

Your request for longer stories brings us to the longest podcast we’ve ever done. Let’s go back in time almost 77 years ago. Turn to page 94 in the fall 1946 issue of Planet Stories Magazine, The Creatures That Time Forgot by Ray Bradbury…

Next week on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, the return of Philip K. Dick, Nothing moved or stirred. Everything was silent, dead. Only the gun showed signs of life ... and the trespassers had wrecked that for all time. The return journey to pick up the treasure would be a cinch ... they smiled. The Gun by Philip K. Dick. That’s next week on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, with at least one lost vintage sci-fi short story in every episode.

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