1. This Week In TheTechBoy Podcast 9/9/23: @TheCommentsSection Brett Cooper Please Don't Take My Job

    This Week In TheTechBoy Podcast 9/9/23: @TheCommentsSection Brett Cooper Please Don't Take My Job

  2. How Ben Hildebrand REALLY Died In Jurassic Park 3 Explained

    How Ben Hildebrand REALLY Died In Jurassic Park 3 Explained

  3. SNEAKO Is JEALOUS Of Brett Cooper Laughing At Another Mans Joke..

    SNEAKO Is JEALOUS Of Brett Cooper Laughing At Another Mans Joke..

  4. rhY - Beer:30 (with Brett RIP, Wes, and Melissa)

    rhY - Beer:30 (with Brett RIP, Wes, and Melissa)