The Remnant Church | WATCH LIVE | 12.19.24 | Contending for the Faith With Aaron Antis + BREAKING NEWS!!! "The Technology We Are Developing Elevates Us to the Status of Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/13/2018)
University of Tennessee Knoxville: Rowdy Crowd, Rebuking Hypocrites, Contending with Homosexuals & Skeptics, One Sinner Throws Water All Over Me, Another Sinner Steals My Hat, Demon Possessed Student Screams & Writhes On The Ground, Wild Day!
University of Oklahoma: A Wild, Rowdy, Massive Crowd: Contending w/ Homosexuals, Atheists, Hypocrites, And 1 Backslidden Christian Promises To Get Right With God! (Wednesday Preaching)
University of Maryland: Brother Elijah (Former Trans Woman) Joins Me & His Controversial Sign Draws Hundreds, Massive Crowds, Contending w/ Muslims, Trans, Sodomites, Atheists, Loud-Mouthed Jezebels & Hypocrites, A Totally Wild Day!