1. The Larger Sutra is a real sutra and Amida is a real living Buddha

    The Larger Sutra is a real sutra and Amida is a real living Buddha

  2. 6Master Xue Wu《Knowing the Cause and Effect can prevent yourself from falling into suffering》

    6Master Xue Wu《Knowing the Cause and Effect can prevent yourself from falling into suffering》

  3. The Path of Those Who Give Everything: Shantideva’s Hidden Wisdom - Lama Dawa's Commentary

    The Path of Those Who Give Everything: Shantideva’s Hidden Wisdom - Lama Dawa's Commentary

  4. 💛 Sangha Journey: Compassion, Self-Love, and Divine Insights (Yamsox Live June 25th, 2024)

    💛 Sangha Journey: Compassion, Self-Love, and Divine Insights (Yamsox Live June 25th, 2024)

  5. Virtues and activities of those who are born in the Pure Land through the Gate of the Primal Vow

    Virtues and activities of those who are born in the Pure Land through the Gate of the Primal Vow

  6. Traces of Quan Yin in Religion - Contemplation on the Inner Heavenly Sound, Part 1 of 3

    Traces of Quan Yin in Religion - Contemplation on the Inner Heavenly Sound, Part 1 of 3

  7. The Hidden Freedom: Uncover the Secret of Letting Go - Lama Dawa's Commentary

    The Hidden Freedom: Uncover the Secret of Letting Go - Lama Dawa's Commentary

  8. 大势至菩萨真言|给你智慧之光,人生道路一帆风顺,事业有成 The mantra of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva|Give you the light of wisdom, may your life be smooth and your career be successful

    大势至菩萨真言|给你智慧之光,人生道路一帆风顺,事业有成 The mantra of Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva|Give you the light of wisdom, may your life be smooth and your career be successful
