Wikipedia | "Wikipedia Made A Real Effort At Neutrality For Its First 5 Years Then It Began a Long Slide Into Leftist Propaganda. They Follow the News Media & Gotten Rid of Almost All Conservative News Sources." - Larry Sanger
Artificial Womb Facility | EctoLife Artificial Womb Facility Can Incubate 30,000 Babies Per Year "Everything That Is Encoded In Memory You Could Upload and Store Your Memories As a Backup and Download Them Into a NEW BODY." - Elon Musk
Wo With Bo (Part 8) | 1/1/24 | BRICS to Doubling Size Today As Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt & Ethiopia to Join BRICS Jan. 1st 24 | BRICS Welcomes New Members In Push to Reshuffle World Order - Reuters | How Will BRICS Impact Us?
ROR#199 The Anti-Christ, The Great Apostasy, JFK + The 4 'P's: The Prophet, The Priest, The Phoenix and The Pindar + The 4 Kings. Are The 4 'P's and the 4 Kings 8 of the 10 Horns?
Elon Musk | "We Might Be Headed to a Bimodal Human Intelligence Distribution, More Like Brave New World, Aldous Huxley. A Small Group of Very Smart Humans, But Average Intelligence Drifts Lower Over Time." - 2/12/2025