4 months ago【PT】Deputado Ben Cline: Permaneceremos firmes e enfrentaremos o PCCh de frenteGloryMifan2
4 months ago【NL】Litouwse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken: Ontkoppeling van CCP maakt Litouwen veiligerGloryMifan2
1 month ago【NL】Leider van de meerderheid in de senaat prijst Rubio voor zijn uitgesproken mening...GloryMifan2
1 month agoSenate Majority Leader Praises Rubio for Being Outspoken About Threat Posed by CCPGloryMifan
1 year agoBenjamin: America’s Freedom, Education and Politics Have Been Overtaken by Communist IdeasGloryMifan
1 year agoLaura Oblon Reveals Her Personal Experience of Religion Oppression by the CCP in ChinaGloryMifan
1 year agoMike Melo: Operation of Secret Police by the CCP in the U.S. is Utterly UnacceptableGloryMifan
1 year agoThe federal prosecutor used to work for Paul | Weiss, which is among the first US law firm to do….Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
2 years agoIf we want to fight the Asian hate, if we want peace, love and unity, we need to take down the CCPHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
4 years agoDominion CEO Admits Using Parts Made in Communist China in a House Hearing in Januaryfreehk2064
5 months ago【IT】Craig Singleton: L'ambiguità degli Stati Uniti nella rappresentazione delle linee ...GloryMifan2
5 months ago【NL】Craig Singleton: Amerikaanse dubbelzinnigheid in weergave van rode lijnen uitgebuit door CCPGloryMifan2
4 months agoU.S. National Security Advisor: Countering CCP Threats Is Top Priority for New AdministrationGloryMifan