Pompeo: CCP’s Threat to US Has Many Dimensions

1 month ago

12/02/2024 Mike Pompeo, former United States Secretary of State: The CCP’s threat to the U.S. has many dimensions. I'm convinced President Trump understands this threat at a deep level. He is building a team that understands this threat and will protect the American people from it very effectively.
#ccp #ccpthreat #fentanyl #Trump #southernborder #propaganda #tariffs #takedownccp
12/02/2024 前美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥:中共对美国的威胁有许多方面。我相信川普总统深刻理解这一威胁。他正在组建一个了解中共威胁的团队,以有效地保护美国人民免受其害。
#中共 #中共威胁 #芬太尼 #川普 #南部边境 #宣传 #关税 #消灭中共

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