Laura Oblon Reveals Her Personal Experience of Religion Oppression by the CCP in China

1 year ago

【 #AMFEST2023 】 12/17/2023 President and Co-founder at Nucleogenex Laura Oblon (Instagram: It’s scary for me that you can’t carry a Bible with you in China. Because in the US, we have freedom of travel and freedom of religion, and we're free to have things whenever we travel. I feel sad to know that people live in a place where they can’t express gratitude to God, and can’t carry books of their religion or faith freely without feeling like they're going to be in trouble or going to have somebody come and arrest them.
#TakeDownCCP #NFSC

【 #凤凰城烽火行动 】 12/17/2023 Nucleogenex的总裁和联合创始人劳拉·奥布隆 (Instagram:在中共国不能随身携带《圣经》让我感到十分恐怖。因为在美国,我们有出行自由、宗教自由,并且在旅行时可自由携带任何物品。我为生活在这种地方的人们感到难过,因为他们不能向上帝表达感恩,不能在自由携带自己信奉的宗教信仰书籍情况下不担心会惹来麻烦或者某人会逮捕他们。
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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