Jessie Ruined a Satanic Ritual and Was Thrown into the Catacombs As Punishment + Saw a Man On Fire, Realised it Was Jesus, Who Got Her Out. Jessie Asked Jesus To Get Them All Out
Project Looking Glass, Collaboration, Seeing into the Future + Star Wars Now and the Spiritual Gates, Demonic Spirits + The Voice of God Project, The Throne Room
Protector Assassins were Called into Question by the Satanic Council + The Role of Protector Assassins, They Fight on Behalf of the Elites They Protect, Fight Against Other Protectors, Physical and Spiritual Warfare
The Girls Have Already Been Taught Foreplay Techniques, They Take it so Far Then Run Off into the Woods, The Boys Have to Find Them, Given a Code Word in case they get Lost + Desensitization Process, Jessie's Proctor and Sex Magick