We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook

2 years ago

A documentary promoting the conspiracy theory alleging that the tragedy at Sandy Hook is a hoax designed to increase popular support for gun control.

Cliff Notes:

7:23 Sandy Hook Parents (Francine Lobis Wheeler, David Wheeler, Mark Bardenby, Nicole Hockley, Jimmy Greene, Scarlett Lewis connections to politics/government and acting/entertainment careers, and their subsequent lobbying for gun control by Mrstosh314

12:13 Michelle and Bob Gay, Alissa and Robbie Parker, Cindy and Mark Mattioli, Krista and Richard Rekos, all teamed up with Safe and Sound Security, which has partnered with NaviGate360 (company that specializes in surveillance)

13:09 Lenny Pozner was chairman and CEO of TraxWare until 2014, a company that specialized in removal of internet slander, internet defamation, mugshots, defamations of character and online public records.

14:07 Veronique Haller-Pozner is a Swiss diplomat who advocates gun control.

20:21 Police dashcam does not align with official police report. By Sherrie Questioningall

25:38 The Newton Bee posted an online article on December 13 2012 (Bing Cache date confirmed) with a statement made by Principal Dawn Hochsprung, but she died in the shooting on Dec 14. By Swan Song.

34:18 Photos show activity at house next door to Lanza's family house, the Trentacosta house. By TNN.

40:10 A bill was passed and signed into law in Connecticut to prevent the release of photos of all homicide victims under the FOIA and certain records of Sandy Hook. This law also created a 17-member task force to make recommendations to the assembly on what should be released about crimes. Release of any homicide information is a class D felony (penalty 1-5 years prison and a fine up to $5000) under Connecticut law.

48:25 Gene Rosen (a retired psychologist who appeared in several stage productions) has many inconsistencies in his story of six children showing up at his property, between his own accounts, and a bus driver's account. By FreeRadioRevolution.

54:11 Gene Rosen seen by helicopter footage at 10:30 am outside the school- debunking his story he was at his property with children during this time.

55:07 Gene Rosen caught rehearsing his lines.

1:04:16 Website for Arlington Red Devils posted "Talking With Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting" on December 10, 2012. Cached by Google on December 13, 2012 01:22:20 GMT. By TNN.

1:08:09 United Way and Newton Savings Bank established the Sandy Hook School Support Fund (SHSF). The webpage for the fund was indexed by Google web crawler on the evening of the shooting (how was the fund and website built in a few hours after the shooting?) The CEO of Newton Savings bank is John Trentacosta, the same house next door to the Lanza house that had all the activity taking place the morning of the event. John Trentacosta was named to a Federal Reserve Advisory council in 2011. By TNN.

1:15:12 Supplemental DNA reports eliminate Nancy and Adam Lanza as contributors to DNA at the Lanza residence. Adam's DNA was only found in a mixture with an unknown New York convict on the forearm of the .22 rifle. By Mrstosh314.

1:19:15 Letter addressed to the students of Sandy Hook Elementary sent days after shooting claiming to be an apology from Peter Lanza has no DNA from the Lanza family, but envelope matched the unknown New York convict.

1:20:36 DNA reports from Sandy Hook crime scene are anomalous.

1:25:55 Pictures taken at Sandy Hook by Shannon Hicks have anomalous metadata and were edited with Adobe Photoshop. Metadata from a video taken by Newtown Bee editor John Voket is from December 13. By QKultra.

1:32:48 Janitor Rick Thorne's 2nd 911 call. His first call is on Soundcloud.. These calls contradict the final report that states teachers heard Rick Thorne confront the shooter. By Sandy Hook Research.

1:42:46 MIA Barber Bob Scuba was not a licensed hairdresser or barber when CNN released a story on his account of cutting Adam Lanza's hair. By TNN.

1:49:26 Videos of the day show gridlock and lack of urgency from first responders. School nurse Sally Cox and secretary Barbara Halstead hid in a closet for almost four hours, but police are eating lunch at 12:21 pm without everyone accounted for. By Mrstosh314.

1:50:25 Federal government under Obama administration sent $2.5 million in taxpayer money to Connecticut State Police, the towns of Newtown and Monroe, and other local agencies who responded. On June 17, 2014, the Obama admin dished out another $7.1 million to Newtown's first responders and victims' families.

1:51:22 EMS response was not normal in scope. Gridlock kept ambulances from reaching school. EMTs were not allowed inside school until it was too late to save any lives.

1:54:40 Parents walking aimlessly at the firehouse.

2:01:48 Contrary to state police and FBI reports, the only school that is mentioned in the subpoena for Adam Lanza's school records is St. Rose of Lima. By Professor Doom1.

2:06:19 Ryan Lanza, stated to be Adam's older brother, was initially reported by media outlets to be the mass shooter. New York Post fell for a hoax interview with someone claiming to be Ryan Lanza. The Post did not remove the story and instead updated the story noting it was a hoax. The largest public relations firm, Edelman, issued a statement denying Ryan Lanza had anything to do with the Post. Edelman's niche is big business, not individuals looking to maintain their privacy. By TNN.

2:17:17 Families of victims of Sandy Hook have received millions of dollars from the government and private fundraisers and donations. Is all of this money part of a gigantic payout scheme? By Upnorthofthe49th.

2:23:37 Adam Lanza's primary psychologist Paul Fox was forced to surrender his license in 2012 for having sexual relations with his patients after dosing them with mind altering drugs. Fox changed his statement that Lanza's medical records were stored in the United States to they were destroyed for being over 5 years old, even though the limit is 7 years in Connecticut. Little is known about Lanza's mental health. By Mrstosh314.

2:25:55 Adam Lanza's photos appear to have been digitally manipulated to create the illusion of a deranged psychopath. Adam Lanza disappears from the radar in 2009 when his parents divorced, and at the same time Ryan appears. This prompts the theory that Adam and Ryan may be the same person.

2:26:42 Fox News created a fake portrayal of Joshua Flashman when they interviewed him. Flashman took to Twitter to say Fox approached him and spent two days trying to get him to go on the record. Flashman told the reporter what people in town were saying about Lanza's motive. Flashman implied he was not well acquainted with the Lanza family.

2:28:15 Peter Lanza's interview in the New Yorker was conducted by Andrew Soloman. Andrew Soloman is the son of Howard Soloman, who was the CEO of the pharmaceutical giant Forest Laboratories, which produces the drug Lexapro- the same drug claimed by Andrew Soloman was prescribed to Adam Lanza by Dr. Fox. The article states Adam discontinued use of Lexapro, giving the illusion this caused Adam to become the Sandy Hook shooter. The police report contradicts Soloman's article by stating Celexa was prescribed to Adam. Shockingly, Celexa is the same drug that turned Howard Soloman's Forest Laboratories into a giant. Ironically or coincidentally, his son Andrew grew up battling depression and mental illness and Howard credits an undisclosed cocktail of pharmaceuticals to curing him. Andrew Soloman is a member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

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