This is how you can help Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut / Tokitae/ Lolita

1 year ago

Video by Michelle Seidelman:
This is how you can help Sk'aliCh'elh-tenaut / Tokitae/ Lolita 💙 SHARE this video around the world and take this 30 second action!! Let this go viral!!
Those numbers are 302-404-0880 text 202-456-1111 call. Or go to and email. Ask for Biden to sign an Executive Order to Breach the 4 Dams on the Lower Snake River NOW. Need this done by 8/31/23. Don't let Toki's death be in vain.

Facts about Dolphin industry (Orcas) - Written by Captain Paul Watson:

There are 53 Orcas presently in captivity.
Since 1961, 166 Orcas have been captured.
133 of them are now dead.
The last Orca to die in captivity was Toki or Lolita in the Miami Sea Aquarium Prison owned by Eduardo Albor (August 2023) Earlier in the year Kiska died in March 2023 in the notorious Niagara Falls Marineland Prison
Orcas captured from the wild since 1961: 166
Orcas captured from the wild that have died: 132
Number of surviving wild captured Orcas: 34
Orcas killed during attempted capture: Five in 1970 from the Southern Resident Pod
Orcas that have died in captivity: 175
Orcas still born or miscarriages in captivity: 30
Orcas successfully released from captivity back to the sea: 1 (Keiko)
Orcas captured and released: 10 captured in Russia in 2018, released in 2019 thanks to Pamela Anderson.
Orcas Presently in captivity: 54
Captured Orcas that remain alive: one (Corky) Captured 1969.
Last captive Orca to die in captivity: Toki (Lolita) August 2023.
Number of humans killed by wild Orcas: Zero
Number of humans killed by captive Orcas: 4
Largest Orca Prison: The Sea World Archipelago. 18 Orcas in three different prisons. 44 Orca inmates have died in the three Sea World prisons.
Biggest Dolphin Slave Owner owning the largest numbers of Dolphin prisoners: Eduardo Albor owns the The Dolphin Company with 30 different facilities worldwide.
This is the man that SSCS President Pritam Singh publicly referred to as an “angel” when launching the controversial free Lolita, free Tokai mission in March 2023. By the time of her death not a single permit for moving the Orca back to the Pacific Northwest had even been applied for as she lingered on in bad health in a pool that was literally falling apart and flaking paint chips into the water.
Eduardo Albor’s Prisons: (1) Isla Mujeres, Mexico: 20 dolphin prisoners (2) Dolphin Discovery, Mahahual Mexico. (3) Dolphin Discovery Cozumel, Mexico. (4) Dolphin Dicovery Mahahual, Mexico. (5) Dolphin Discovery Dreams, Puerto Aventuras, Mexico (6) Dolphin Discovery, Playa del Carmen (7) Dolphin Discovery Akumal. 8. Dolphin Discovery Vallarta (9) Garrafon Park, Isla Mujeres, Mexico (10) Aquatours Marine, Cancun, Mexico (11) Selvatica, Puerto Morelos, Mexico (12) Aquaventuras Park, Vallarta Nayarit, Mexico. (13) Selva Magica, Guadalajara, Mexico. (14) Aquarium, Mar del Plata, Argentina. (15) Dolphin Discovery Grand Cayman (16) Dolphin Discovery: St. Kitts. (17) Dolphin Discovery Punta Cana Dominican Republic (18) Dolphin Grand Cove Grand Cayman Island. (19) Dolphin Grand Cove, Jamaica. (20) Dolphin Cove Montego Bay, Jamaica. (21) Dolphin Cove Moon Bay, Moon Palace, Jamaica. (22) Dolphin Cove Puerto Seco, Jamaica (23) Ocean Adventures, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. (24) Yaaman, Jamaica (25) Acquajoss, Italy (26) Aquafelix, Civitavecchia, Italy, (27) Zoomarine, Rome (28) Dolphin Connection, Duck Key, Florida (29) Marineland, St. Augustine, Florida (30) Miami Sea Aquarium
These prisons hold some 2,400 animals of 80 different species
21 of these prisons have dolphin prisoners. I have not been able to tally to the exact number of dolphin prisoners being held. If anyone has this information please let me know.
Estimated worldwide population of Orcas: 50,000
Estimate of numbers in the Eastern North Pacific: 2500
Number of Southern Resident Orcas: 73. Status: Endangered since 2001 in Canada, 2005 in the USA
Orca Prisons: China. 15 caught from the wild.
Threats to Orcas in the Wild.
The greatest threat to Orca survival is from diminishment of fish especially in The Pacific Northwest and the Strait of Gibraltar.
Sailors and fishermen routinely shoot at Orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar.
Orcas are hunted and killed in the Caribbean (St. Vincent) and in the Waters of Danish Greenland.

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