1. Evening Bible Study- (1 Corinthians 11:31-34-12:6- Matthew 18:1-11)

    Evening Bible Study- (1 Corinthians 11:31-34-12:6- Matthew 18:1-11)

  2. Evening Study- Introduction the Book of Job- Job Chapter 1- “Faithful Job is Tested”

    Evening Study- Introduction the Book of Job- Job Chapter 1- “Faithful Job is Tested”

  3. DAY 69: "WORKING ALONE" (Exodus 18:14)- "Define our Strengths and Weaknesses."

    DAY 69: "WORKING ALONE" (Exodus 18:14)- "Define our Strengths and Weaknesses."

  4. DAY TWENTY ONE- “He is at Your Right Hand” (Psalm 16:8)-

    DAY TWENTY ONE- “He is at Your Right Hand” (Psalm 16:8)-

  5. Evening Reading & Study- Matthew 16- "Pick Up Your Cross & Follow Me"

    Evening Reading & Study- Matthew 16- "Pick Up Your Cross & Follow Me"

  6. Evening Reading & Study- John 10:1-21: "Jesus Is the Good Shepherd/ See Description box Link

    Evening Reading & Study- John 10:1-21: "Jesus Is the Good Shepherd/ See Description box Link

  7. DAY 47: "PLEASING THE LORD OR PLEASING OTHERS"- See notes for links mentioned in the Devotional.

    DAY 47: "PLEASING THE LORD OR PLEASING OTHERS"- See notes for links mentioned in the Devotional.

  8. 🚨 Stairman Dan Andrews and his authoritarian ALP government wants you to be Safe, Healthy & Secure

    🚨 Stairman Dan Andrews and his authoritarian ALP government wants you to be Safe, Healthy & Secure

  9. 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Debacle. Question Everything

    1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Debacle. Question Everything

  10. DAY 52: "HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME" (Matthew 6:9)- "Keep His Name Holy!!!"

    DAY 52: "HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME" (Matthew 6:9)- "Keep His Name Holy!!!"
