“We can’t force them to tell the truth. But we can make them lie more blatantly”. When we expose them and speak the truth, it will make their lies even more obvious! Keep up the pressure!
New UK Show called ‘Naked Education’ celebrates adults getting naked in front of children. The show says it is for “body positivity,” and not normalising pedophilia, of course.
Albert Burla, President and CEO of Pfizer, said this recently at the Economics Club of Chicago: “I really believe that better days $$$ are ahead because covid was a rehearsal for us"
Springfield, Ohio, USA. A major train derailment has occurred in Springfield, OH near the Clark County Fairgrounds. A Large Hazmat and emergency responder presence is on scene.
Your self-appointed technocratic overlords are attempting to construct a digital open air prison all around you. Not "up to date" with your injections? Exceeded your weekly carbon allowance? Social credit score too low? Committed a thought crime
Bill Gates said Covid comes from bats 🦇 and it spreads because of climate change. He also warned that @ elonmusk is making misinformation on Twitter worse 🤡
#ArtificialIntelligence | "Medical Nanorobots, Little Robots That Are the Sized of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - #RayKurzweil + "Adding to the Body a Second Immune System, Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nanorobots
Important Message to 5D'ers Prepping Themselves While Navigating 3D — Feeling Like a "Ghost" with Few or No Friends? Here's How to Use This Time Wisest (Inner-Work). | Phil Good
Liberal M.P. John McKay: Canada is UNDER Multiple Existential Threats by the CCP. - "It's in the police, it's in the universities, it's in the schools" it's everywere!