In Lies We Trust – All Viruses and Vaccines were Created in Labs as Bio-Weapons – 2007 Documentary

1 year ago

*****GOOD ONE**** ******GOOD ONE*** **EVERYONE Needs to KNOW this**

This may be difficult to watch when they talk about the experimentation on animals and humans, but that really is what is going on right now with Covid mRNA jabs.

This one will open your eyes and it covers a lot from the history of viruses and vaccines and the players involved in this worldwide conspiracy.

This unique film takes you inside the policies, politics, and propaganda of genocide with a twist of humor.” Horowitz exposes unprecedented fraud, malfeasance, and murder as a clear and present danger to you and your loved ones.

In Lies We Trust examines the CIA’s direction of Hollywood, and modern medicine, and will have you rethinking their impacts on the way you think about current events, including the increasing threats of outbreaks, cancer, and AIDS.

In Lies We Trust examines the military-medical-petrochemical-pharmaceutical profiteers behind medical madness, their political prostitutes, and shoddy scientists.

“Stunning evidence, including secret interviews, explains why millions of innocent and gullible people worldwide have been killed and why billions more are now being frightened into drug addictions, side effects, profitable illnesses, and premature death.”

Anyway, it calls out all the original major players—most of these psychopaths are still around—and I think it’s a must-watch (even though it’s a little dated and we may have way more information now than they had back then).


The real villains are those who spread fear for financial gain, power, and control

The Report from Iron Mountain

Jim Marrs 'National Socialsm - NAZI - CORPORATISM'

The Kissinger Report

Project PAPERCLIP, Rockfellers, Kissinger, CIA

US Army - Military Implantable Location Devices, Biotechnical Weapons: we need to Deceive the 'Virtuous'

Population Control, 1960s

The Mind is the most important battleground

Slow-Kill High-Profit Weapons: Toxic Biological, Chemical, Electromagnetic Technologies and GMOs

Mass-Media and Hollywood: a New Kind of War and 'Unconditioned Individuals', 2001

Doctors and Health Officials Don't even know they are Prostitutes/Propagandists

Serving the Rockefeller Cult

The Flexner Report

Partners: Government, Academia, Industry (J&J, Merck, Pfizer, GSK, etc)

Rockefellers Cancer Experiment, Tuskeygee, and Merck's VIOXX

Fort Detrick Bioweapons Industry

National Cancer Institutes adenovirus and cancer programs, 1950-1972

DNA and RNA Tumor viruses, 1968-1969

Contaminated Polio Vaccines tested in millions worldwide

Cancer and Disease Bioweapons - Partial list of lab-created viruses, 1971

President Nixon lied about renouncing biological weapons, 1969

CDCs propaganda or professional ignorance

War on Cancer, Fort Detrick, home of the National Cancer Institute, DoD Synthetic Biological Agents

Dr Robert Gallo, Litton Bionetics, Army biological weapons contractor

Gallo, Fort Detrick, Cancer, Depopulation, Isaacson, Kissinger, Zumwalt, AIDS, Ebola, Litton Bionetics

Dr Horowitz: AIDS, EBOLA, and other killer germs as biological weapons


Development of AIDS-like viruses by Dr Robert Gallo, NCI, Litton Bionetics

Dr Horowitz calls out Dr Gallo at 11th Conf on AIDS, 1997

National Cancer Institute - US-USSR Agreement Biological Weapons inc Advanced Cancer Viruses

Genetic Engineering and Biological Weapons incl combining organisms into new diseases unknown to nature

Anthrax, Alibek-CIA bioterror propaganda, Patrick, Saddam Hussein

AIDS-like and EBOLA-like Viruses-Weapons

Mycoplasma - a flu-like illness that resists standard medical treatments, 1993 Patent

Biological Weapons tested on Texas prisoners - Baylor, Bush (Flu, Rhonio, Adenovirus, more...)

Mycoplasma-Vaccines and Gulf War Syndrome, Vaccination vs Immunization

Bayer, Rockefeller, FDA, Cipro, FBI, BMI-CIA, electromagnetized anthrax, Pentagon, Project Jefferson, Bioport

9/11 War on Terror, Bush, Treason, Bioterrorism, genocide

Govt Health Advice, Target Black Ethnicity groups, Rockefeller, Eugenics, Kissinger

CIA, DARPA, Military Intelligence, Population Control, Experiments on Citizens

CIA testing on San Francisco, New York, Pennsylvania - 1950-1960s

Man-made Political Plagues - cancer, diabetes, aids, heart, avian-flu

Avian-Flu, Donald Rumsfield, DoD, CEO Searle: NutraSweet, Gilead, Tamiflu, Roche

Gadjusek: pedo, Kuru, Prion, Mad-Cow disease

Global elite - biotechnology - Hepatitis, Lyme, Influenza

Global elite - biotechnology - Anthrax, Typhus, HIV

Global elite - biotechnology - Hepatitis, Lyme, Influenza

Global Elite Solution? Get VACCINATED

Small Pox - Vaccine Medical Madness / Murder

Ebola and Hollywood

Marburg - the Vaccine outbreak

Censored Merck Interview exposing Vaccine Pathogens

FDA Vaccine Injury Cover-up and Vaccine Shedding

Hollywood CIA operative Steven Seagal

Hollywood Propaganda

HHS, Fauci (CIA agent) - GET THE VACCINE to solve Overpopulation, Eugenics

1. Censored Important Videos --

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