Lara Logan TORCHES the Ukraine Narrative 🔥🔥 “Ukraine is at the center of this cult of globalists” and “the Ukrainian people are being exploited by evil, horrible people”
🔺Pfizer’s trials show that natural immunity is 100% effective 🔺Decrease in white blood cells were observed after dose 1, (immune system attack) 🔺Adverse events were MORE SEVERE in the younger age group
White Lies, Black Ops & Red China: Insider Exposes Pandemic Money Trails - GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH FUNDED BY THE USA, DARPA, D.O.D., C.I.A. , ECO-HEALTH ALLIANCE.......🇺🇸
Simple google results of Vaccine 💉 ingredients takes 2 minutes has anyone you know that is Jabbed even looked into what they are putting in there body?