Covid Vaccine Nanotechnology – Comusav – The Magnetism Explained – Bluetooth MAC – EMF

1 year ago

When doctors, scientists and researchers studied the contents of the Covid Jabs, they say what they discovered seemed like science fiction. The information in this short documentary is scientifically proven to be true.

In March and April of 2021 they begin detecting magnetism in the location of the injection sites of the vaccinated.

Later, colleagues of the vaccinated who were not vaccinated begin detecting magnetism in their bodies. They acquired an Electromagnetic Frequency Meter and began measuring the radio frequency of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. It was found that not only were they magnetic but they were functioning as an Antenna. The antenna was receiving some kind of signal.

Dr. Pablo Campra, Ph.D of the University of Almeria, in June of 2021 did a Graphene study of the Pfizer vaccines. This carbon structure had magnetic properties once it enters the body. Outside the body, in the vaccine vial, it has NO magnetic property.

When the graphene enters the body, it changes temperature and reacts with the hydrogen and water in the body and that is when graphene hydroxide is formed and it becomes magnetic.

Not only was graphene found in the Pfizer vaccine, but also in the other mRNA vaccines of J&J, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. This was detected by Electron Microscope.

Dr. Robert Young in the USA also did Electron Microscopy tests of the vaccine vials. In January 2021, they found graphene oxide in 100% of the vials tested.

With a simple device like a cell phone with bluetooth enabled they found bluetooth Codes when near the vaccinated, this is called MAC – Media Access Control.

The theories are that the graphene self-assembles and forms electronic devices.

Some even were found in the brain, called Nanotubes.

They have found that these can form artificial axons and they influence the segregation of neurotransmitters. This would allow the monitoring of the electrical activity of brain regions and would allow the alteration of behavior.

These electronic devices were found throughout the body. They are like nodes within the body.

They found that they generated a Radio Frequency, not a digital one.

The vaccinated are emitting mysterious and unknown MAC addresses. But they are REAL MAC Addresses. But the numbers are not the standard numbers which can be interpreted as to the manufacturer. This means they want it HIDDEN from the public.

They injected these nano-assembling devices without our consent.

This video is kind of the proof that what Sabrina Wallace is saying just may have some truth. Sabrina says that they are monitoring our thoughts (called Synthetic Telepathy) and dreams and can input data to influence our thinking.

What these doctors in this video are discovering is there absolutely HAS to be another Medical Sector, a secret one, a Private one completely separate from the public one taught at Medical Universities.

They are also discovering that these “Vaccines” are not Vaccines at all and are injected for a different purpose.

They found that dead vaccinated people in the cemetery were still giving off signals of MAC addresses. It wasn’t their phones giving these signals, it was their dead bodies.

Another MAJOR discovery was that they found out that the PCR tests also insert the meta-materials to self-assemble. So, these PCR tests (which do NOT diagnose Covid) are being used exactly like the Vaccines.

This makes you wonder, what other methods are being used to introduce this nanotechnology into the body?

Can this graphene be transferred from person to person? The theory is YES, it can, through kissing and sexual intercourse.

It is definitely transferred through the PCR tests. It is introduced through Hydrogel. Most have likely heard many Doctors talk about this, like Carrie Madej for one. There is a lot of information about this out there.

It should be obvious to everyone now that there is a group of people in this world that want to at the very, very least control us if not worse.

This “group” of people or whatever they may be, has access to technologies that most of our universities are unaware of, there are select group of colleges that have published data on this stuff, but you have to know where to look and know the exact keywords to search. They are not flat out telling you what is possible and they definitely are not telling us the purpose to the mRNA jabs.

Can this technology be given in food? My thoughts are yes, but maybe they don’t assemble as good. Why the vaccines?

Sabrina Wallace says the purpose of the vaccines are to connect us to the IoT – Internet of Things, the Cloud.

Other Videos Related to this Exact Subject:
***Biomedical Signals can be Measured from the Human Body Wirelessly – Our body is the Computer Network

***Wireless Body Area Network – (WBAN) – Was the Purpose of Covid to Connect us to the Cloud?

***Sabrina Wallace – CoV-BAN, IoT and WBAN – Computer Networking Through the Human Body

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