Swiss Cardiologist on Truth of RNA bioweapon - Smash the WHO!

1 year ago

"Your government is currently negotiating a Pandemic Treaty with the WHO! If it signs it, the WHO will be placed above the Constitution of your Country, and not only you, but also your Government and your Parliament will lose ALL Freedom of Choice.
Who controls the WHO controls the World. The only reasonable 100% effective and safe prevention of another criminal Plandemic is the immediate smashing of the WHO into a thousand pieces."

My name is Thomas Binder. I studied medicine Zurich, obtained a doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology, and the 35 years of experience in diagnosis and therapy of acute respiratory infections in hospitals, in intensive care units and in my private practice, there has NEVER been a pandemic of a killer virus. There was a plandemic of cowards… and do we doctors see a pandemic of severe illnesses and of sudden unexpected deaths from heart attack, myocarditis, aortic dissection, stroke and pulmonary embolism, thrombosis and the inflammation of all organs, the spatial of brain and spinal chords, disseminated inter-vascular coagulation, increased infections including CoVID, due to immuno-suppression, cancer, autoimmune diseases, infertility, miscarriage and many more.
This modified RNA genocide is the greatest medical crime in human history, a humanitarian disaster of unprecedented proportions.
Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is working on transferring all vaccinations to the modified RNA vaccine platform. It is doing so, though just being able to count and to distinguish foreign from self, even having a trace of intelligence, is enough to realize that the modified RNA vaccine platform is totally nonsensical and life threatening.
It’s two fundamental flaws are the injection of the construction plan, for a protein foreign to the body, without having any control over which body cells will produce it, in what dose and for how long. And the fact that the cells that are coerced to produce this foreign protein and then present it on the surface, will be mistakenly recognized by our immune system as foreign, thus destroyed… much like the rejection of a foreign organ transplanted into you.
The alleged modified RNA vaccination coerces your body to produce a toxin in unknown dose and for an unknown period of time, and literally transforms parts of you into an Alien.
Therefore, the entire modified RNA vaccine platform MUST BE BANNED IMMEDIATELY!
Your government is currently negotiating a Pandemic Treaty with the WHO! If it signs it, the WHO will be placed above the Constitution of your Country, and not only you, but also your Government and your Parliament will lose ALL Freedom of Choice.
Who controls the WHO controls the World. The only reasonable 100% effective and safe prevention of another criminal plandemic is the immediate smashing of the WHO into a thousand pieces.
Dear Fellow Humans, if you have been injected once, or even several times, and perhaps even suffer from severe side effects of the modified RNA injections, do not despair. More and more responsible doctors are willing to help you… and more and more responsible scientists are researching for, one day, being able to treat even their most complex side effects.
I think with the modified RNA injections it is like with smoking; It is almost never too late to give it up and to live healthier.
Whether you were injected or not… Wake Up! Give your spine a booster. Stand up and tell the manufacturers, your alleged experts, your governments, your parliamentarians, your generals and your authorities, who have from the point of view of the populace, totally failed in the CoVID scandal, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” Step back at last and then stand in courts. Do this and do this if not for yourself, then for a future worth living, for your children and grandchildren NOW!

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