YAH WARNS "Let MY People GO!" Feel good Robin Bullock boasts about the greatness of false Prophet Kim Clement! Also "Tell MY Children To Flee The Churches of Babylon!" (mirrored)
Kenneth & Gloria Copeland/Paul & Jan Crouch antichrist shepherds "Say/Believe they're GOD!" Most will never see Heaven, are reprobates (see YAHS Prophecy 92 in Description) mirrored
Millions Backslide. YAH Says it's satan worship. Repentance! Many Christians came to worship JESUS of Scripture but leaders slaughtered Sheep for a fake jesus A SCAM!
Prophecy 2 - MY Wrath Is As Great As MY Love! "Join together around the world through the miracle of the computer, link together, stand together and you will see a greater outpouring of the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) as never before."
Pentecostals Arise, Come Forth! Happy Shavuot! YAH SAYS "I desire to use them to raise up a standard against these evil ones" (Prophecy 77 excerpt) mirrored