March 2, 2011 🎺 It is Time! You must choose… Me or the World

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It is Time! You must choose… Me or the World

March 2, 2011 – From YahuShua HaMashiach – The Word of the Lord spoken to Timothy, for The Lord’s Little Flock and for all Those who have Ears to hear

Little flock, it is time to choose… It is time to be tested, to see whether or not your belief is true… For your trust to be tried, and your faith to be revealed, for what sort it is. Therefore, I am bringing this table to a close.

For you have not sought My face, in all times in which I have called to you. And you did not turn to Me swiftly, when you were troubled. And when I gave you correction, many of you turned to Me a deaf ear; and of My servants, these you have also refused to hear. Instead, you cast judgment and blame them for their message, which came from ME.

Therefore – because you have refused Me, and some of you have found fault with My servants, and do continually neigh amongst yourselves, one against the other, in where judgment enters your heart and forgiveness flees away – this table is brought to a close.

And because some of you refuse to be separate, from those who have hated both Me and My Word, who also speak evil of My servants… This table is brought to a close.

And because some of you, still to this day, have refused to reach out the hand and give to those in need, even to My own beloved who I Myself have put in front of you… Even some of you, who do give, do so begrudgingly… Therefore is this table brought to a close.

For those seated at My table are given much… And ALL I have spoken is required of them. And for this reason, some of you have treated My table with contempt, while still others have likened this table unto the detestable churches of men, following in their way.

And worse still, some of you have built your faiths upon My servants and this table… Then Me… I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY! Nor is there any other Stone, upon which one shall be broken! Nor any other Foundation upon which one shall stand!… For The Foundation is One! Purely One!… I am that foundation! I alone am He!

For I am a Great King!… Whose power has no limits, whose love is without end!… And I will surely correct and discipline all those I love. Therefore is this table brought to a close. Therefore are you left alone, without My shepherds, with My chief husbandman hidden from you… My mouthpiece removed from your hearing…

Yet you are not alone, and you must choose… Coming face to face with the image you see in the mirror, so your eyes may be opened to the truth of who you really are… So you may acknowledge your need and confess all these hidden things you have concealed by pretense, in where you have deceived yourselves.

It is time to truly bring your hearts forward, and be healed… Or to My bitter sadness, fall away, and return to the world and the evils thereof.

It is time to choose, it is time to fall… To fall into Me unreservedly, or to fall away from Me and walk through dry places. It is time for all to be revealed and your decisions to be made… For I can tarry no longer.

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