Nov 9, 2006 🎺 The Lord says... Blessed are Those who overcome for My Name’s sake

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Blessed are Those who overcome for My Name’s sake

November 9, 2006 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, He who is called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for someone who asked if they can still serve The Lord as a Pastor even though they are h_mose_ual, and for all Those who have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord to His servant, whom He loves… You seek Me, and this is very good. Yet if you wish to please Me, then you must first become My disciple, a devoted servant who walks in My ways.

My son, I have not forsaken you. If you ask of Me forgiveness, I shall surely forgive you, even for all you have done. Yet to continue in those same sins for which you sought forgiveness is most unpleasant in My sight, for by doing so you have made My forgiveness of non-effect. For that which requires My forgiveness is the very same from which you must depart, lest your repentance becomes unrepentance, crucifying Me again and again in your heart.

For repentance is more than the asking for forgiveness. It must come from a deep desire to be set free in My love, followed by a sincere unyielding commitment to make our love perfect through obedience… The shedding of the skin of this world, the crucifying of your old man with his sinful ways; the putting on of the new man who is renewed in the knowledge of The Holy One, conforming to the image of Him who created him, says The Lord.

And yet you ask of My servant, Timothy, this question of service, though you have yet to depart from your sin. Yes, Timothy brings all things before Me, that he may not judge anything of his own accord, lest pride ensnares him and the hand of God abases him.

Therefore for your sake, and for the sake of all those who shall come to read these words, I shall give answer… My son, there are none righteous in all the world; no, not one. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Behold, even Timothy, a man who I have given to hear My voice, does continually stumble. Yet when he is weak, he becomes strong, for My grace is sufficient for him and My strength is made perfect in his weakness.

Thus he does not cease from coming to Me, laying himself at My feet in repentance, taking full responsibility for his actions, remorseful over those things which yet cause him to stumble, being fully tempted as all men. For I have not yet delivered men out of temptation, nor has the power of the evil one been rendered of non-effect, for this time is not yet… Yet from the power of sin, which is death, I have surely delivered you, if you so choose to receive of Me fully, if you so choose to embrace Me as I truly am, if you so choose to remain in My love.

Therefore, you know the answer to your question already, for all is written in the Scriptures of Truth… Can one, who does that which is an abomination in the eyes of God, serve Me? He may not. For no one who actively engages in or passively practices h_m_se_uality shall inherit the Kingdom of God; behold, even all who voice their agreement shall be left outside the gate, says The Lord.

Yet if one comes to Me and asks of Me forgiveness, even a continual washing in My own blood, he shall surely have it; even if he comes to Me seven times, or seventy times seven times, he shall be forgiven. For I forgive all those who come to Me in sincerity and in truth, and draw near to those of a contrite heart, delivering those of a humble spirit.

Beloved, by this then shall our love be made perfect… You shall abstain from that which is not lawful, and make every effort to depart from that which is an abomination in the eyes of God… You must strive to be completely separate from that life, presenting your body as a living sacrifice to The Lord… Blameless.

For that which is unnatural is universally known, though the men and women of this world deny it. And that which is against God shall be purged by fire; even all that offends shall be destroyed and come to a swift end.

Therefore, My son, take up your cross and follow Me as I am, and not as you or the churches of men would have Me be. Yet remember this…


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