2 years agoSeeing More of Jesus Christ in Our Lives | Sister Tracy Y. Browning | Oct 2022 General Conferencefaithtoact
5 months agoPHILIP OVADIA j4 | CAC SCORRE? REDUCE IT! carnivore; reversing IR… some patients’ scores DECREASEDDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoTED NAIMAN i | EAT NOW the way you want to eat FOREVER! tweak protein up; tweak carbs & fats downDoctors To Trust
1 year agoJOEL GOULD B | Kids: allergies, flu, colds, asthma? 80% quick recovery: VITAMIN DDoctors To Trust
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1 year agoKEN SIKARIS 4 | Kidney disease; high triglycerides; low thyroid all: cause small, dense LDLDoctors To Trust
1 year agoKEN SIKARIS c | LDL: healthy, normal LDL & high TG? trouble: becomes PLAQUE in vessel wallsDoctors To Trust
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