KEN SIKARIS 4 | Kidney disease; high triglycerides; low thyroid all: cause small, dense LDL

1 year ago
presents episode 878 | Dr Ken Sikaris
Low carb down under podcast

Diabetes: hemoglobin A1c
above 6.5:
-glucose sticks to organs
-causes eye & kidney disease
Before diabetes, get
cardiovascular disease
-starts at A1c 5.5
How severe diabetes determines
how long LDL stays in blood
Severe Diabetes = high
triglycerides stay in blood
drive LDL into small, dense

57 yo woman, diabetic,
went off statin...
-due to success with TG
-diabetes poorly controlled
Before, when on statins
-had few small, dense LDL
-went off statin
-with high TG,
has high small, dense LDL
"Unless control TG & prevent
small, dense stay on statin...

TG levels correlate with small,
dense LDL...
-TG of 2 or 3 okay? NO
-should be under 1
Chronic Kidney Disease
associated with heart disease
-mild? 2x rate heart disease

Chronic Kidney Disease
associated with heart disease
-mild? 2x rate heart disease
-LDL clearance is slower in
kidney disease
-if TG there, LDL becomes
small & dense
risk of small, dense LDL with
kidney disease is 50%
Renal failure gives higher TG

Study done by Dr Sikaris...
-patients with hormonal problems
-heart disease
-insulin resistance
-small, dense LDL
-high TG

40 y.o. woman, thyroid disease,..
-under active thyroid causes
-high cholesterol &
heart disease
-woman on thyroid replacement
-cholesterol high
Then, slightly OVER-replaced
AFFECT LDL particles?
as soon as increased thyroid
hormone, small & dense LDL


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