Bidirectional remote deep brain control with magnetic anisotropic nanomaterials - Biodigital Convergence, Bioconvergence, HOEIZONS EU, Policy Horizons Canada
Wireless communication directly between brains is one step closer to reality thanks to $8 million in Department of Defense follow up funding for Rice University neuroengineers.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to discuss silicone and other transhumanism synbio materials found in the COVID shots and human bodies during surgery, discussing how this relates to brain hacking, behaviour and body control of humans.
ARE YOU READY FOR THE UGLY TRUTH? - REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING - HACKING THE BRAIN - YES, YOURS! What are these nano particles injections for, actually.. The idea is to read & write, into the brain function. In real time. Remotely. ~Dr James Giordano