AI Controlled Robotic Nano Exoskeleton 'Clouds' in Our Skies? - Graphene Carbon Nano Tubules?

1 year ago

AI Controlled Robotic Nano Exoskeleton 'Clouds' in Our Skies? - Graphene Carbon Nano Tubules?
July 3rd, 2021
Is some freaky Living Dead Synthetic Life Forms Spawning in our Skies.
I could swear I have seen swarms of swirling Black Particulates that looks sentient, yet swarms like a cloud of bugs.

I am posting this video from my other line of research which is sky related. I have been a investigative researcher into most things for over 12 years. I became aware that something strange was going on in our skies. Those grid lines further woke me up one morning, I forget the year, perhaps 2013, but I did notices the trails way before that. On that particular morning the sky was like a grid.. Not normal, no flight paths were ever over my locale, and then all these lines... That was when I started intensively monitoring the skies and expanding my research.
I won't write here everything, I don't claim to have all the answers or be an expert, I am just aligning the obvious. Lets get this straight, I am doing this in my spare time, my intention is to point out and expose what many have missed over the years above our heads.
Take what you can of this, other researchers may find it useful.. I do not want to take credit or claim exclusive rights to this material.. The main objective is to help mankind, especially the children.. I have sacrificed a lot of my time and money as I knew we really don't have any future in this world especially as many are selfish and only care about themselves. My channels are not monetized, I research alone, I may come into contact with others who research, but ultimately I am a one man band.
This particular footage was taken in Cali , by a very good friend of mine about 2 years ago. We did connect a lot a dots, and I think they were targeted by several technologies which combined created a rift between us.. No doubt some sort of neurological mind control techniques played a part here, especially as it looks like they were using the graphene oxide nano tubules in aerosolized form directly above their property.
This is not the only video which seems to reveal some sort of AI controlled Nano particulate 'matter' which creates man made looking structures, attaches to the 'sun' like a plasma bracket. I will dig out more... Checkout my sky research channel here:
2 years ago I started this bitchute channel as my main sky research channel, plus some truth type videos and health protocols to try to help people... I had to move the sky research content to the ODYSEE channel because many were not really open minded enough to connect the chemtrails into this agenda.
My method for enhancing the images and videos is very simple. The very nature of this technology is that it is very electromagnetically conductive. It seems to be designs to interact with light.. the 'sun', perhaps control the suns light output... As we see in this video the surrounding scaffolding platforms appear to be adjusting the light beams coming from the sun..
All i do is use contrast and blur/sharpen tools.
As always use your own discernment and take from this what you can. We see that the technology used in the covid vaxx is similar.. They talk of uploading our brains to the cloud... Is this what they are up to? There are always many facets to their agendas... One thing for sure is they LIE , CHEAT, and are trying to weaken our immune systems.
This technology I do believe is responsible for the changing of behavior of all those infected by it. Obviously once this 'matter' is inside the places in the body where it can connect to the brain it will be able to control certain behavioral elements remotely, Whether or not it is capable 100% or at a lesser capacity I do not know.. But it seems to me that the objective is to have control over us... Who lives or who dies..
I am going to introduce more pieces of the puzzle, so we can put our collective heads together to figure this out.. Feel free if you want to share the videos and information, its imperative we blow this wide open and expose this nefarious agenda before too much damage is done... I encourage other researchers to delve in too... humanity is under attack, if we are divided we fall..
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