Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi- Covid19 was a PLAN-DEMIC. It was all planned by organized crime

2 years ago

Source: TheLastAmericanVagabond

The CV19 injection had no safety tests done and it was not necessary but it is DEADLY and not because of the mRNA but because of the Lipid Nano Particles packaging the mRNA. The whole Covid pandemic is a FAKE! All the details were worked out. It was a PLANDEMIC. It was done in order to create such PANIC in the world so these new gene based vaccines could be ENFORCED. It is organized crime. We know this today. It is FACT and Fauci was behind it as well as the WHO and the CDC & FDA playing along with them. Anyone who doesn't know this today is suffering from terrible IGNORANCE.

At the end of the interview Dr Bhakdi says....
"It will be up to the people of American to do the job. My only worry is what I see in Germany. I am afraid that the jab is causing people to lose their IDENTITY, lose their MIND, lose their SOULS, Lose their WILL POWER, lose their HUMANNESS. Human brain cells are dying left and right, up and down. This was changes of YOU as a human being and your human brain.

Libertarian99 here. What Dr Bhaki says here at the end of the interview sure sounds like TRANSHUMANISM under way in a lot of the vaccinated who volunteered for this unknown experimental ingredients. It is like what Klaus Schwab said to Charlie Rose in that 2015 interview where he says "It doesn't change what you are doing but it CHANGES YOU if you take the genetic editing (drug)".

As Dr Bhaki mentions above "you lose your WILL POWER". Probably why Klaus Schwab said that EVERYONE MUST TAKE THE VACCINE (all 8 billion of us).
Klaus Schwab "Nobody VILL Be Safe Until Everyone Is Vaccinated."

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