1. 中共要挑战美国寄托在两个方面,一个就是控制中东的石油以摧毁石油美元,结束美元的世界统治地位。切断中东向全世界的石油供应链,造成美国社会动乱,还有新冠疫苗给美国带来的灾难将


  2. 伊朗总统Ebrahim Raisi去中共国见习近平,双方各提出条件进行合作。哈梅内伊死后,习近平会访问伊朗承认Raisi和其家族在伊朗的地位和财富权习近平会提供给伊朗中共气球和无人机,以及它们的

    伊朗总统Ebrahim Raisi去中共国见习近平,双方各提出条件进行合作。哈梅内伊死后,习近平会访问伊朗承认Raisi和其家族在伊朗的地位和财富权习近平会提供给伊朗中共气球和无人机,以及它们的

  3. The Davos Party (World Economic Forum) is the World's Communist Party

    The Davos Party (World Economic Forum) is the World's Communist Party

  4. WHO: Now We Need To Go And Look In Families To Find Those People Who May Be Sick And Remove Them

    WHO: Now We Need To Go And Look In Families To Find Those People Who May Be Sick And Remove Them

  5. Yemen’s Drone Used to Attack Saudi Arabia is from CCP; Syria’s Drones were Also Given by China

    Yemen’s Drone Used to Attack Saudi Arabia is from CCP; Syria’s Drones were Also Given by China

  6. The CCP want to take down America by destroying US dollar, creating COVID & causing vaccine disaster

    The CCP want to take down America by destroying US dollar, creating COVID & causing vaccine disaster

  7. The CCP are shifting racial conflicts onto white people

    The CCP are shifting racial conflicts onto white people

  8. CCP is Destroying US Dollar, Creating Viruses, Causing Vaccine Disasters, and Buying Up Medias

    CCP is Destroying US Dollar, Creating Viruses, Causing Vaccine Disasters, and Buying Up Medias

  9. Has the CCP just released another major CCP virus?

    Has the CCP just released another major CCP virus?

  10. "Hollywood Takeover" revealed how CCP controlled the film industry to brainwash the American people

    "Hollywood Takeover" revealed how CCP controlled the film industry to brainwash the American people

  11. The CCP is funding all this terrorism around the world

    The CCP is funding all this terrorism around the world

  12. Miles Guo: The CCP's war is essentially racial

    Miles Guo: The CCP's war is essentially racial

  13. 3 key elements to control humankind in the future - AI, vaccines, and crypto currency.

    3 key elements to control humankind in the future - AI, vaccines, and crypto currency.

  14. Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals

    Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals

  15. Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals

    Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals

  16. Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals.

    Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals.
