"Hollywood Takeover" revealed how CCP controlled the film industry to brainwash the American people

2 months ago

The documentary "Hollywood Takeover" released on March 8th revealed how the Chinese Communist Party controlled the film industry to brainwash the American people and control their thoughts to achieve the goal of ruling the world without firing a shot!
#hollywood #hollywoodtakeover #ccpagenda #ccpbrainwash #ccpmoneyinfluence #ccpmediacontrol #discoursepower #3f #tiktok #communistinternational
#盘古翻译部 #好莱坞 #好莱坞收购 #中共洗脑 #中共金钱收买 #中共媒体控制 #话语权 #抖音 #共产国际

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