1 year agoLighthizer: Communist China is the most dangerous threat that we face as a nationGloryTeam7
1 year agoThe US should completely decouple itself from the CCP by beginning with the justice systemGloryTeam7
1 year agoThe US has allowed CCP-controlled companies to enter retirement funds without any due diligenceGloryTeam7
1 year agoRoger Robinson: The CCP is more likely to attack Taiwan as its economy deterioratesGloryTeam7
1 year agoRoger Robinson on the potential impact on the US economy if the CCP were to attack TaiwanGloryTeam7
1 year agoRoger Robinson on how the CCP obtains discretionary cash by issuing anti-liberty bonds in the USGloryTeam7
1 year ago数百名飞行员因拒绝接种实验性新冠疫苗,而被剥夺医疗自由并被迫失去生计。 本周,我提出了一项修正案,要求航空公司纠正错误,并恢复这些飞行员的联邦航空局重新授权法案。一灯能除千年暗 一智能灭万年愚
1 year agoMiles has on how many people are working for the CCP and being paid by the CCPHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
1 year agoNicole on John Fredericks Show P2: the connection between Pras Michel case and Miles GuoNFSC 🔥 · Himalaya Quantum
1 year agoAll verdict and everything just points to one victim, who is Miles GuoHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
1 year agoThe CCP's purpose is to just keep Miles for as long time as possible in jailHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
1 year agoThe CCP shamelessly calls for the protection of the rights of elderly women, whom they are harmingGloryTeam7
1 year agoJin Yinan claims that the CCP will cross the strait repeatedly to attack Taiwan until it fallsGloryTeam7
1 year ago欧洲议会议员克里斯蒂娜·安德森在反对WHO流行病条约及其疯狂的法西斯卫生法规的会议上对制药公司、盖茨基金和世卫组织里那些少数边缘人发表了激烈的言论……他们想斗那我们就来斗一斗一灯能除千年暗 一智能灭万年愚
1 year agoSeveral female Chinese students were stabbed to death by an African student at Shandong UniversityGloryTeam7