1. The CCP's stance is very clear: "RULES FOR THEE - BUT NOT FOR ME!"

    The CCP's stance is very clear: "RULES FOR THEE - BUT NOT FOR ME!"

  2. Lighthizer: Communist China is the most dangerous threat that we face as a nation

    Lighthizer: Communist China is the most dangerous threat that we face as a nation

  3. Can American lawyers enriched by the CCP kleptocrats be appointed as public?

    Can American lawyers enriched by the CCP kleptocrats be appointed as public?

  4. The US should completely decouple itself from the CCP by beginning with the justice system

    The US should completely decouple itself from the CCP by beginning with the justice system

  5. The US has allowed CCP-controlled companies to enter retirement funds without any due diligence

    The US has allowed CCP-controlled companies to enter retirement funds without any due diligence

  6. Roger Robinson: The CCP is more likely to attack Taiwan as its economy deteriorates

    Roger Robinson: The CCP is more likely to attack Taiwan as its economy deteriorates

  7. Lighthizer: There are no real private companies in Communist China

    Lighthizer: There are no real private companies in Communist China

  8. Lighthizer: How can we let the CCP own farmland in the US?

    Lighthizer: How can we let the CCP own farmland in the US?

  9. Roger Robinson on the potential impact on the US economy if the CCP were to attack Taiwan

    Roger Robinson on the potential impact on the US economy if the CCP were to attack Taiwan

  10. Roger Robinson on how the CCP obtains discretionary cash by issuing anti-liberty bonds in the US

    Roger Robinson on how the CCP obtains discretionary cash by issuing anti-liberty bonds in the US

  11. 数百名飞行员因拒绝接种实验性新冠疫苗,而被剥夺医疗自由并被迫失去生计。 本周,我提出了一项修正案,要求航空公司纠正错误,并恢复这些飞行员​​的联邦航空局重新授权法案。

    数百名飞行员因拒绝接种实验性新冠疫苗,而被剥夺医疗自由并被迫失去生计。 本周,我提出了一项修正案,要求航空公司纠正错误,并恢复这些飞行员​​的联邦航空局重新授权法案。

  12. The CCP shamelessly calls for the protection of the rights of elderly women, whom they are harming

    The CCP shamelessly calls for the protection of the rights of elderly women, whom they are harming

  13. Jin Yinan claims that the CCP will cross the strait repeatedly to attack Taiwan until it falls

    Jin Yinan claims that the CCP will cross the strait repeatedly to attack Taiwan until it falls

  14. How will the relationship between the U.S. and the CCP be "de-risked"?

    How will the relationship between the U.S. and the CCP be "de-risked"?

  15. Why should America stand for our “rebellion” against the CCP?

    Why should America stand for our “rebellion” against the CCP?

  16. Is the U.S. still a safe haven for dissidents fleeing communist dictatorships?

    Is the U.S. still a safe haven for dissidents fleeing communist dictatorships?

  17. 欧洲议会议员克里斯蒂娜·安德森在反对WHO流行病条约及其疯狂的法西斯卫生法规的会议上对制药公司、盖茨基金和世卫组织里那些少数边缘人发表了激烈的言论……他们想斗那我们就来斗一斗


  18. Several female Chinese students were stabbed to death by an African student at Shandong University

    Several female Chinese students were stabbed to death by an African student at Shandong University
