Several female Chinese students were stabbed to death by an African student at Shandong University

1 year ago

7/3/2023 A video circulating on the Internet shows that several female Chinese students were stabbed to death by an African student at Shandong University due to his dissatisfaction with the female study partners assigned to him. Why exactly does the CCP assign female study partners to international students from Africa? Let’s listen to what Mr. Miles Guo revealed!
#takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/3/2023 网传视频显示,几名中国女学生在山东大学被一名非洲留学生因不满其女学伴而捅死。中共究竟为何要给非洲来的留学生配女学伴呢?来听听郭文贵先生的爆料吧!
#消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #郭文贵先生有证据

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