The CCP shamelessly calls for the protection of the rights of elderly women, whom they are harming

1 year ago

6/30/2023 The CCP spoke on behalf of 60 countries at the United Nations, calling for attention to the protection of the rights of elderly women. However, Mr. Miles Guo had already exposed in 2021 that the nursing homes in Communist China are truly living hells: The elderly are subjected to abuse, secretly filmed, and sexually assaulted, with no one to hold accountable. As long as the CCP remains in power, the Chinese people's money cannot ensure their safety, dignity, and respectful aging and passing away.
#takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
6/30/2023 共匪在联合国代表60国发言,呼吁重视保障老年妇女权益。而郭文贵先生早在2021年爆料,中共国的养老院是真正的地狱:老人在养老院被虐待、被偷拍、被性侵,根本没人管。只要中共还在,中国人的钱是不能让他们安全地活着并有尊严地老去和死去的。
#消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #郭文贵先生有证据

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