2 years agoThis Won’t Go Well! * Daniel 12:2 * Bible Memory VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoThe Witness of God's Glory! * Psalm 19:1 * Today's VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoYOU DON’T BELONG TO THIS WORLD! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | John 15:19 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoWho Is Your Inward Person? * Matthew 5:8 * Today's VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoHarvest Time Is Coming! * Galatians 6:7 * Bible Memory VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoTAKE SHELTER IN GOD’S SHADOW! | BIBLE VERSES TODAY | Psalm 91:1 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoYOU’RE SICK IN THE HEAD! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | Jeremiah 17:9 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoDON’T FOCUS ON WHAT OTHERS DO! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | Colossians 3:2 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoEveryone Was Corrupted! * Genesis 6:12 * Bible Memory VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoTHE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND! | BIBLE VERSES TODAY | Mark 1:15 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoBe Strong And Courageous! * Joshua 1:9 * Today's VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoGod Answers Our Prayers! * 1 John 5:14 * Today’s VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoDON’T CONFORM TO THE WAYS OF UNBELIEVERS! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | Romans 12:2 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoThis Existed Before Time and Creation! * John 1:2 * Today's VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoTRUST GOD FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | Proverbs 3:5Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoYou Can't Hide from This! * Proverbs 28:13 * Today's VersesRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoGOD CAN’T BE MOCKED! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | Galatians 6:7 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoTHE WORD BECAME FLESH! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | John 1:14Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoGOD SAYS THERE’S NOTHING TO FEAR! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | Isaiah 41:10 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoAll About Love! Today’s Daily Bible Memory Verses #shorts #christian #godRadical Shepherd Christian Ministry
2 years agoAVOID THEIR NONSENSE! | MEMORIZE HIS VERSES TODAY | Colossians 2:8 With Commentary!Radical Shepherd Christian Ministry