10 months agoI Founded it it's mine!!!🫣ima founder I finds stuff others built and call it mine...Sound familiar?🫠BLOOD OVER INTENT
2 years agoNBA Youngboy Won't Step On Me Lyrics #youngboyneverbrokeagain #youngboy #youngboyunreleasedDr. C.M Curtis
1 year agoThree Cheers for Girls - Pink and Gold Hard Case Makeup Storage Set - Kids Makeup Kit for Girls...Your Health And Beauty
1 month agoETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “exotic” - 1590s, "belonging to another country,(16c.), from Greek exotikos "foreign," literally "from the outside," “outside" "unusual, strange" 🕎Acts 10;1;48 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144