New abortion guidelines - does the WHO really intend to save lives by them?

1 year ago

In March 2022, the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued new abortion guidelines. These call, among other things, for the removal of “unnecessary” political barriers to ensure “safe” abortions. The psychological consequences of abortions for the women concerned are not taken into account.
According to the guidelines, parental consent for underage pregnant women or the consent of the partner, for example, are no longer mandatory. Similarly, waiting time before an abortion will no longer be required, and governments are urged to legalise abortions up to the time of birth without any restrictions. In addition, the dangerous use of telemedicine (video consultations) for family planning and abortion is to be supported, and do-it-yourself abortions are to be actively promoted, e.g. by facilitating access to abortion pills, etc.
It is claimed that abortions are part of basic health care. Under the pretext to protect women, the WHO promotes unregulated, unlimited abortions around the world. According to the WHO, abortions are “extremely safe” when governments allow them without restrictions or safety regulations. Among the WHO’s other recommendations is the request that countries should no longer allow merely physicians to perform the abortions, but that the tasks should be allowed to be performed by a broader range of health professionals.
In plain language, this means that all obstacles are to be removed that previously still caused a woman or girl to think twice whether she might possibly be capable of saving the life growing inside her. Instead of expanding psychological care and to offer pregnant women perspectives and opportunities to save innocent life, they are virtually pushed towards a viewpoint of not seeing the life growing inside them as a child and of not understanding abortion as the ending of that life, but merely as a medical intervention, as if one were only getting a tooth pulled.
The WHO’s new guidelines and recommendations on the expansion of abortions mean nothing but scorn of the unborn children. It appears that the WHO wants society to believe that only women’s lives matter and not those of their unborn children; however, the welfare of the woman, in this case the expectant mother, is definitely not the primary consideration of these guidelines, either. If these guidelines did actually care about the well-being of the expectant mother, about the mental consequences and hardships that an abortion evidently brings to her, they would try to reduce abortions by all means, just as you would expect a health organisation to act in order to really protect women and children.
Instead, they literally propagate adding up to the number of 42.6 million aborted children worldwide in 2021. The inconsistency and delusion of their propaganda that abortion should be a life-saving measure for women and girls, which at the same time kills growing life, is appalling.

from avr./ ug.

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