Girl Tries To Take Her Temperature With A Pregnancy Test

6 years ago

Little kids getting into things and places that they shouldn’t is never really a surprise. They do it all the time. What is surprising is what kids decide to do with the things that they have taken. We have countless examples of little boys and girls using items for more or less than their intended purposes. To be fair to the little girl in this video, we could see how she would confuse a pregnancy test for a thermometer. They do look kind of similar.

Fun fact time. Did you know that there are records of attempts at pregnancy tests that go all the way back to ancient Greece and Egypt. In Egypt they had women urinate on bags of wheat and barley. If the plant started to grow the woman was pregnant and the whether the wheat or barley grew determined the baby’s gender. The Greek physician Hippocrates suggested that women drink honey in water at bedtime if they missed their period. If they had cramps and abdominal distention then it would mean that they were pregnant. We wonder if these methods actually worked!

The modern equivalent of the home pregnancy appeared in 1969 when it was patented by a Norwegian company. The product became available in the United States in 1977. Since then, the home pregnancy test has become relatively cheap and able to be mass produced. According to one study, they are as effective as going to a doctor to determine pregnancy. However, that same study also noted the they are only 75% effective in the real world. This is mostly because people do not use them properly. As this little girl found out, it helps to read the instructions before use.

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