Vivek Ramaswamy | Who Is Vivek Ramaswamy? + Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say? "New Powers That We Are Gaining Now, Especially the Powers of Bio-Technology & Artificial Intelligence Are Really Going to Transform Us Into Gods." + Virus X?
Amanda Grace | EXPOSING How Luciferian Lyrics, Satanic Songs & Politically Correct Pastors Are Opening Up Souls to Demonic Attacks While Pushing Mark of the Beast Technology
Technology & Society: Implantable Technology - Turning the Body Into a Wire IEEE Spectrum - W.H.O. Human Gene Editing Advisory Committee - Global One Health - Biodigital Convergence - Human A.I. Machine Learning (WBAN)
Yuval Noah Harari | "The New Powers That We Are Gaining Now, Especially the Powers of Bio-Technology & Artificial Intelligence Are Really Going to Transform Us Into Gods. What Kind of Gods Will We Be? Will We Be Petty, Vengeful?"