JUAN O SAVIN- The Technology WAR- John Michael Chambers 5 17 2024

7 months ago

Really great information that Juan puts out here about the technological monster that has taken over our very minds and hearts. This is about WuHan where the Plandemic was created by 5G technology that killed people dead it was a 5G model city that was supplied the technology by Israel btw. And the MEDIA used this for FEAR. All this information is here... control your Social Media because AI infiltration is next. And we can hardly avoid it at this point in all the Platforms. Telegram, Google, YouTube, FaceBook (META AI ) along with some that you can't even recognize. Chat GPT on X.com is the most amazing creating conversations where NO PERSON is behind the account META AI can text to you on Messenger and it is ALL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT linked to accounts where "no one is at home". We need to think this through. And find a WAY to defeat them. JOHNS CHANNEL IS HERE.https://rumble.com/v4vmsgk-the-boy-who-cried-wolf-and-the-ten-days-of-darkness-john-and-juan-107-intel.html

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