1 year agoExodus 17 Bible Study, The Struck Rock of Horeb and Israel's Battle with the AmalekitesIron Sheep Ministries
1 day agoThe Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Feasts and sacrifices of the Israelites. Numbers Ch 28.pastorrk
3 years agoDeuteronomy 33: 24, 25 &27 God Provides Tough Shoes for the Walk - Nitro PillPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
2 years agoDeuteronomy 33: 24, 25 &27 God Provides Tough Shoes for the Walk - Nitro PillPastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified
29 days agoIsraelites Complain. Moses Strikes the Rock! Miriam and Aaron die. Numbers Part 20 Chapter 20.pastorrk
2 years agoExodus 17 & Numbers 20 Obedience: Take God at His Word - Sanctification #10Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D.Verified