2 years agoHypertension _Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoNose Congestion_Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoNerve Compression Syndromes_Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoPlatelet Disorders _Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoPulmonary Embolism _Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoAnus Diseases_Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoArteriosclerosis_Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoAppendicitis_Resonance therapy session_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoEpistaxis_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoKidney Diseases_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoLiver Diseases_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoPrognathism_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoPituitary Diseases_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoSciatica_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoThrombocytopenia_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
2 years agoUrination Disorders_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPYBIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY
11 months agoJerry Brainum || On the Real Inventor of HIT: Arthur Jones, & Mike Mentzer, Nasser Elsonbaty, & MoreLeo & Longevity