Sepsis_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY

1 year ago

Sepsis (“decay” in Greek) is a general infectious infection of the body, the spread of infection in which occurs through the bloodstream. The disease does not affect a single organ, but the whole body.
Often, sepsis becomes a continuation of the development of various local inflammations, for example, furuncle, phlegmon, abscess, meningitis caused by meningococcal infection, which can also lead to the development of meningococcal sepsis.
Patients with sepsis, as a rule, have immunity weakened by the primary inflammatory process. It is against the background of reduced protective functions of the body that the risk of developing sepsis, as a secondary inflammatory process, increases.
The infectious disease sepsis is very dangerous for humans. In the past, it was fatal in 80% of cases. Today, thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, this figure has decreased, but continues to be quite high and amounts to 30-40%.
The main condition for the development of purulent sepsis is the ingestion of infectious agents (viruses, fungi, bacteria) into the patient's body. The immune system begins an active fight against pathogens, which results in an inflammatory process in the body - there is a massive infection with putrefactive products formed as a result of the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. The weakening of the immune system leads to the fact that it cannot cope with the task of timely localization of pathogenic organisms. They enter the bloodstream, as a result of which sepsis in the blood spreads throughout the body, affecting all organs and systems.
The reasons for the development of sepsis lie in the creation of a number of favorable conditions in the patient's body:
the appearance of the primary source of infection;
the spread of pathogenic pathogens with blood streams throughout the body;
the formation of secondary foci, which also become sources of infection throughout the body;
the development of an inflammatory process, as a response of the immune system to the penetration of infection;
weakening of the immune system and, as a result, its inability to localize the infection.
Music affects a person, it can calm and cheer up, sounds can heal. The therapeutic effect is due to the frequency fluctuations of various sounds that resonate with various organs of the body. Sounds have bioresonance compatibility with the vibrations of human internal organs, which is the basis of the positive effect of sound treatment. The sound vibrations of music trigger many mechanisms of higher nervous activity in the patient's subconscious and start the healing process.
Sound therapy does not replace medical treatment, but complements it, improves the positive dynamics of treatment and speeds up recovery.
I wish you health and prosperity!

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