Urination Disorders_Session of resonance therapy_BIORESONANCE SOUND THERAPY

1 year ago

Urination disorders is a collective concept that includes a separate or combined violation of the accumulation, retention, evacuation of urine and / or pain in the act of deurination (bladder emptying). The list of urinary disorders includes:
pollakiuria (night, day, constant): multiple departures, more than 7-8 times a day;
stranguria: difficult, painful urination, leaving a feeling of incomplete emptying;
ischuria (acute, chronic, complete, incomplete): impossibility of self-emptying associated with blockage (obstruction) of the urinary tract or damage to the central, peripheral parts of the nervous system;
nocturia: frequent urination at night; normally, a person should sleep at night (if there was no excess fluid intake, diuretics, alcohol the day before);
cystalgia: painful bladder syndrome, urination is accompanied by burning, pain in the bladder area;
incontinence: uncontrolled release of urine with an imperative (sudden irresistible) urge;
incontinence: involuntary leakage in the absence of urge (due to congenital or acquired pathologies).
Dysuria in women in 30-35% of cases is one of the symptoms of inflammatory or neoplastic gynecological diseases. The cause of urinary disorders can be the pathology of the kidneys, ureters and bladder, obstruction or inflammation of the urinary tract, prostate disease in men, neurological and endocrine disorders.
Music affects a person, it can calm and cheer up, sounds can heal. The therapeutic effect is due to the frequency fluctuations of various sounds that resonate with various organs of the body. Sounds have bioresonance compatibility with the vibrations of human internal organs, which is the basis of the positive effect of sound treatment. The sound vibrations of music trigger many mechanisms of higher nervous activity in the patient's subconscious and start the healing process.
Sound therapy does not replace medical treatment, but complements it, improves the positive dynamics of treatment and speeds up recovery.
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