1. The Role of Hardiness and Religiosity in Depression and Anger | Dr. Salvatore Maddi | IL11 MC 2002

    The Role of Hardiness and Religiosity in Depression and Anger | Dr. Salvatore Maddi | IL11 MC 2002

  2. The Milgram Experiment (1962) - Full Documentary

    The Milgram Experiment (1962) - Full Documentary

  3. Sheep Farm 14 | Podcast | Jerry Marzinsky | The Psychotic Mind Breaking The Spell Of the Ivory Tower

    Sheep Farm 14 | Podcast | Jerry Marzinsky | The Psychotic Mind Breaking The Spell Of the Ivory Tower

  4. “Altered States, Dream Dimensions & Yoga Nidra” Interview w/ iRest Institute’s Dr. Richard Miller

    “Altered States, Dream Dimensions & Yoga Nidra” Interview w/ iRest Institute’s Dr. Richard Miller

  5. Therapy Bans Harm Truth and People | Dr. Christopher Rosik on The Dr J Show ep. 212

    Therapy Bans Harm Truth and People | Dr. Christopher Rosik on The Dr J Show ep. 212

  6. Sheep Farm 15 | Podcast 2 | Jerry Marzinsky & George Jagatic | Demon Voices & The Psychotic Mind

    Sheep Farm 15 | Podcast 2 | Jerry Marzinsky & George Jagatic | Demon Voices & The Psychotic Mind

  7. The Dark Side of Science: The Horrific Stanford Prison Experiment 1971 | Documentary

    The Dark Side of Science: The Horrific Stanford Prison Experiment 1971 | Documentary

  8. The Appeal of Motivated Reasoning in Anomalistic Psychology - Dr. Chris French

    The Appeal of Motivated Reasoning in Anomalistic Psychology - Dr. Chris French

  9. The Role of Hardiness and Religiosity in Depression and Anger | Dr. Salvatore Maddi | IL11 MC 2002

    The Role of Hardiness and Religiosity in Depression and Anger | Dr. Salvatore Maddi | IL11 MC 2002

  10. What is Rumble putting in their "care packages" for the Afghani refugees?

    What is Rumble putting in their "care packages" for the Afghani refugees?
